FAB 3000 UMPK is cool it’s an iconic weapon for the platform
60km range when released at high altitude
Isnt CAPTOR-M supposed to be one of the most capable (non AESA) radars out there? At the very least it can be logically assumed it shouldnt be WORSE than the best radar in game currently (Whichever one that might be)
Yeah, it’s supposed to be the best mechanical radar in the world.
I’ve found sources for an interleaved mode where it can operate in both A2A and A2G modes simultaneously by alternating between modes and yet still providing a clear picture in both.
It can also do synthetic aperture scan which is also something only normally possible with AESA radars.
More range never hurts
I dont know what synthetic aperature is and how it would be implemented in game and whatnot.
But since its performance is hgihly classified stuff. I reckon that a good base for its capabilities should be the radar on the ICE. it should atleast be better than that.
Increase the scanrate, lockdistance and lockstrength and itll be a good start.
What do you think?
Not alot of info on the radar sadly
SAR is pretty standard for Mech radars
unless you’re talking about some special mode here.
what Eurofighter does is have a high res and automatic target classification. I have a nice paper for that
Other stats I think are fine, but it’s the scan rate that needs to be higher imo. But it’s confirming a source for that.
The radar it’s self can be moved at 333° / sec which would increase its speed by a factor of 4, but it’s unlikely the radar operated at such speeds. But I’m tempted to just sort of do a “well here’s a bunch of reference material and secondary sources, could we get a small buff (say 50% increase in scan rate) for now”
Is there a Variant of the brimstone where its “Fire and Forget”?
IRL they’re all fire and forget but gaijin wont implement that for balans
Why you write about that in typhoon theme?
can someone send a close up screenshot of the MFD buttons
50% would be a huge benefit. 333° as you write would probably be only maximum movement when its tracking something at REALLY close range whilst the EF and that target are both going extremely fast in violent maneuvres.
I agree normal scanrate would probably not approach that speed.
It’d be quite a simple suggestion for Gaijin.
The CAPTOR-M should be better than both the ICE radar and blue Vixen, but not as good as the Aesa on Rafale. Whatver that means to them would be hard for us to counter
ok which one one of you goofballs just posted on the DCS forum asking for this info
There is a Rafale thread, best to use that
Yeah, must be the high resolution part that i’ve seen referenced.
Perhaps we can use that to prove the radar is more capable than it is currently.
Also, secondary source but:
Accurate tracking of both stationary and moving objects on the ground is enabled by the Ground Moving Target Indication/Track function. - source
so the GMTI is defnetly underperforming too
These pictures show C101 testbed. Six MICA is correct, eight are F.4.1 feature.
though with SAR its kinda well hard to prove something because you can often achieve high resolution with just increasing the scan time.
eurofighter can reach good resolutions but we dont know at what speed
They are not historical…