Oh, that’s 100% why it happened. He was doxxed if you remember. I mean doxxing is no joke and a really bad thing, but I totally see why everyone was THIS mad at him.
Also guys. I think the only thing we should fight for rn is FM and engine performance. Because unlike anything else engine performance and flight model would remain the same throughout every other model of Typhoon we will get in the future
Radar as well. Currently its definetly a placeholder.
Don’t they use 1m^2 range? And from what I could find captor M does have that range. Scan might need tweaking though
Its pretty much a 1 for 1 C&P of Blue Vixen at the moment. Its underperforming quite a bit, especially in scan rate. Its suppose to have a scan rate that can achieve some of the same functionality only found with e-scan radars.
PIRATE is also underperforming a lot.
How much is the EFT underperforming now in terms of maneuverability?
ITR and STR?
More comparable to an early PESA in what your talking about but yeah, I’m guessing it should be way better scan rate than whatever’s on dev server
Is there anything wrong beyond scan rate? That’s going to be hard to report.
I’ve read about interleaved modes which I doubt can be modeled at the moment also possibly some more modes like a naval search mode (semi useful for sim)
(this doc was apparently written by one of the engineers that made the CAPTOR-M)
Also is RWS (Range While Scan) something modeled in game?
But there feels to be some wierdness where it just stops tracking targets randomly. I wonder if its currently missing the INS Tracking thing where it predicts where the target will be between scans. Because you’ll be tracking a target with TWS and then it will just stop tracking the target and reset looking forward. Its kinda wierd and annoying.
And then yeah, the big one is the scan rate. I was expecting something more like Fox Hunter with 11+° verticle scan region
Wait, German EF-2000 has Storm Shadow too? Since when? This is just keep getting better and better.
Just SRC PD mode
That list Is Just a mess, I would not follow It (agm119? Agm88?) and btw a German efa once tested Storm Shadows so they could get It.
too early for cruise missiles
Yeah IIRC the Devs don’t model interleaving.
It has ground target MTI currently. That seems to work for ships if they are moving.
It’s called SRC PD in game.
If you can get some footage of it dropping tracks for no obvious reason then submit a report and hopefully it can be fixed. I’m focussing on reporting issues which can be proved with documentation at the moment, so haven’t had time to play with it and see how it feels in game.
ECR-90 / CAPTOR -M is basically a scaled up and improved Blue Vixen, so unfortunately it makes sense that it is based on Blue Vixen in game.
Yep will do.
But you’d hope at the very least they would use that as a hint at the scan rate is much higher than most M-scan radars
I’ll need to double check that, gimme a sec
Yep, it will track moving ships, though I get the impression perhaps it should also track static ships
This is just the usual bug/feature in this game with slow update scans. It seems like if you have a slow scan rate and the target you want to update is a bit too far from where the radar expects it to be, it will not update the track, while also not showing that contact as a new track (so you kind of have to wait for it to fade away before the radar notices). Welcome to Soviet top tier radar experience, lol.
Some bug reports on this
Community Bug Reporting System
Community Bug Reporting System
Though never noticed this before when using something like the Gripen or SHar FA2 which have at the moment, essentially the same radar as the Typhoon
It happens sometimes more, sometimes less. Or maybe there is a new bug that makes it even worse on the dev (I have not flown that much this dev, was mainly just testing out the bugs with the IRST).
As I said above, It feels like the intertial tracking isnt working on the Typhoons radar, but its gunna be really hard to test