I used IRST nonstop on the Mig29G, it is incredibly useful, hopefully will come on the next EF variant.
For sim right?
700 kg is quite a lot. Considering that due to about this difference, the F4F is the most maneuverable phantom among all the phantoms)
No lol, I have yet to play a single SIM game, ARB
Had to translate that as I can’t read Cyrillic, but LETS GOO.
Any reports to make this plane as realistic as possible I am for!
Mass going down under review! (Hopefully translation is right)
Its not written down anywhere.
Their decision making process is contradictory and inconsistent and the rules they follow change all the time depending on what they believe.
That said, the IRST system can not be simply added or removed like a weapon or a countermeasure dispenser.
It’s a signficant modification to the aircraft that makes it a unique variant.
actualy can be lul, they do it regulary on the IPA 7
They just remove the sensor and put a cover…
German variants without IRST don’t have any of the gubbins (singal processing computers, wiring etc) nescessary for it to function.
I am fairly certain all the signal processing is done inside the lru and that the connections for the processed data still exist, as all eurofighter are built to be universaly compatible, and removing those connections would cost more, not less. An example would be the UK who wanted to remove the gun, but would it cheaper to keep it in.
Yeah, that’s what I would assume too
The issue is that’s not particularly relevant anymore considering:
The precedent now seems to be “as long as the airframe could take it, it can get it”, but this isn’t consistent by any means.
Thing is those are regarding weapons not sensors.
Like I said before, if we ever get Captor-E for the Typhoons and Germany continues to procure the mk.1 variant.
It would make exactly zero sense to give the German EF the better MK.2 variant that Britain uses
Same sensless argument logic that is currently made for the German Pirate
Really better? AFAIK the Mk.0, Mk.1 and Mk.2 designation are not really tied to capability of the Captor but more to the manufacturer and target market. The Mk designations are described as different series of the same radar.
Mk.0 → Export
Mk.1 → Germany and Spain (lead developed by Hensoldt)
Mk.2 → Britain (lead developed by Leonardo)
The pirate would help German eurofighters since this is a game and currently the German EF is worse that the other nations Ed without any unique benefit, and the reasoning is inconsistent, as the f4f has aim-9j and the mig29g has r27er that were never bought. The wiring for the systems are in all eurofighters due to them all being assembled identicaly, only the sensor unit panel and lru for processing data are missing.
That is why we are attempting to change it, because our reasoning is different.
I meant the mig 29g r27er even though Germany never bought it sorry
Overall I agree, it’s just that I want Gaijin to actually put out a statement regarding the issue of giving equipment to vehicles, so they can remain consistent when doing stuff like this instead of picking and choosing what they decide to give to certain airframes.
I personally disagree with Gaijin giving certain nation’s airframes things they could technically carry, but never operated IRL. As giving nations equipment they never used, but the vehicles could theoretically carry WILL cause major issues down the line, and at the end of the day either the receiving nation operated the equipment or it didn’t.
After all, as an example, given Gaijin’s current trajectory what is exactly stopping the US tree F/A-18 getting ASRAAM in the future? After all, the Australian F/A-18s could carry them, so in theory there are no hard limitations for it not to be able to be equipped.