Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

All came months after Russia got theirs

MLD: Oct 2021
MLA: Mar 2022


It is most likely that MRAAMs cannot be fitted to the inner wing pylons due to turbulent air from the engine intakes.

I’m pretty sure they have never been cleared for use on that pylon even through yhe wiring and mounting hardware is fully compatable.

Mate Britain, France, Italy and Israel
Had to use F-4s and Starfighters while Germany receieved a MiG 23.

You had the 23 MF during that time though which while not as good was better than a Phantom.

nah i doubt it.
they drop bombs from those pylons which are much more aerodynamically significant

The MF is an event vehicle…

And it was most certainly not better than a F-4E

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I’m waiting for the British Typhoon to be uniquely awful or nerfed in some way like most aircraft in the tech tree.

Wrong thread buddy.

It’s a thread about the Eurofighter Typhoon, an aircraft of which Britain will also be getting shared with Germany.

I think I’m entitled to comment here…

A bit confusing i know

I got bamboozled by it multiple times too


This is the thread for the German Eurofighter, the British one is over here

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There is one for the italian one as well.
Bu that ones pretty much dead xD
They just use gwrman or italian one depending how they feel like

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I’m really curious how or even if they modeled the “EuroDASS Praetorian” defensive aids suite like “AMIDS” (Radar based MAW) or the “PIMAWS” (Infrared based MAW) of the EF. The information on these systems is pretty scarce but extremly interesting.
Especially the “AMIDS” which also works as an all around LPI-FMCW AESA radar with an (alleged) detection range of 44 km for a 2,5 m² fighter target (20 km for 0,1 m² missiles). So on the small maps in WT you would have every plane (enemy and allied) even without your main radar always detected and targetable via missiles as the IR and ARH missiles can be shot at targets detected by AMIDS even behind the plane.
Would be extremly overpowered so I doubt the give it more than just the ability to detect incoming missiles and slaving the Flares/Chaff to the MAW. Slaving the SRAAM missiles to the MAW to intercept missiles in a hard-kill manner would be dope though.

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Smin said allready no

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Ah, didn’t get that, thanks :)

I also had the quote of him…
But where did it go…

It will be implemented just as the JAS 39 EW suite. Non existent as the game probably can’t handle it right now.

HELL YEA @Faster_Boiiiii

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Man i’m really excited for this plane

I know BRs change after the devserver but they gave 12.7 to the typhoon lol