Just like with the initial introduction of Tornado, there is no way an aircraft like Typhoon that was a multi nation development was not going to come to all nations that took part when it first joined the game.
Britains last top fighter was one year ago, one update after Germany got was, at the time, it’s last top BR fighter. Similarly for Italy, it’s last fighter at the very top BR was back at the start of the year with the Hungarian Gripen.
The Starfighter patch was also remarkable in that regard. Every operator nation got the Starfighter added in one huge patch.
But times where different. It was years ago and there was alot to add for all tech trees.
Right now air is stretched thin. Apart from Naval and Ground there is not that much left to add @ top tier air. It would be likely worth to consider a phased introduction of the EF. With Germany as its biggest operator should be first. GB / Italy got alot additions over the last patches. Britain even the GR4 Tornado which a massive loadout of Brimstones. Gripens, F-16 (it), Harriers (it, gb)… It would be better for future content patches to drag EF additions out a bit.
The only nation without good addition is Germany so far, which just got a Phantom airframe. All others are not really in need imho.