40° on the AIM-9M is not considered “high” off-boresight. Quick google search places the general limit for what is considered “HOBS” at “greater than 40°” tho Id suspect it would theoretically be more than that, since most, if not all missiles considered to be “HOBS capable” have a pre-launch gimble limit of 60° (R-73, MICA IR) or more (IRIS-T is up to 90°).
Well ideally we get an AIM-120 & AIM-9 Typhoon a solid few updates before next-gen IR missiles with newer versions of jets are added.
That or long-before they’re added to existing jets.
I want to spade these things using the more antiquated historical loadouts before said power creep.
i turn my radar off when i try to get close. in that state, you can select HMD ACM by pressing the “lock” button or go to regular BST ACM by pressing the ACM button
These waveforms are all available in all search or track modes.
In ACM the default and only predefined waveform is MPRF (pre-track) this is the same for HMD. Once you have gone from either ACM or HMD the PRF will be automatically managed, typically unless the target goes realllllly far away MPRF is going to be the only waveform used.
The only advantage ACM has over HMD is it is constantly trying to acquire a target, depending on the situation ahead of you this can be good or bad, an example would be it tracks the second it sees the target in the ACM box (good) or there being lots of targets that aren’t your intended target which end up getting tracked (bad).
HMD is less random in its tracking as typically the acquisition area is small and you decide what to track. This lowers the workload in cluttered environments and allows you to select targets off your centreline.
Anything that lowers pilot workload is a boon and you should take advantage of it.
This also reads across to any potential Typhoon we might see in the future.
while HMD is less random, i find ACM to be far more reliable. i dont know what it is but the acquisition time or something is just too short and it often misses targets that are coming right at you and are like 10km away. its a big problem imo
I agree that the Eurofighter is replacing the F-4F ICE but the F-35 should replace the Tornado since Germany is replacing the Tornado with the F-35 for their CAS.