Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

No, it also ? Some lower br spaa and planes radars. And most likely ship, but I have not checked

OTOMATIC as well


Though with OTOMATIC it’s really weird, just strafed one of them at 90° and it was showing that it’s locking me, even though he was shooting at another guy in a different sector of the sky.

Thats i think is the IRST/EOT track Pantsir has

Or thats what i assumed it was

E/O does not ping RWR…

I thought that too.
But then jets seem to know when a Stormer has them locked and has fired on them.

Assumed it was some kind of system the Typhoon had to detect the emissions.

Each stormer dart has a 120mm tracer attached to it, so 3 GIANT RED BALLS coming in the direction of a plane.
And some planes have LWS, that Stormer can trigger (even tho it should not, but Game Limitation)

Well yes but no, you can track using irst, like in a flarakrad but the missile itself is guided using radio signals so that’s why it’s still detectable, as should the pantsir, at least what i think happens.
That’s why from an ADATS you don’t get a warning because it’s laser guided (unless you’re a british ef).

Command guidence radio signal by itself is not modeled in game, only if it comes with the radar lock, so if you use IRST and you fire, there will be 0 warning.

That’s not true im pretty sure, at least from the pantsir, i can always see them track as (?), and i’ve never seen an ITO stealth launch on me either.


I’ve used ITO like a year ago with IRST and I noticed people were much more unaware.

I just tested that, and you are correct. They must have changed that some time ago, and i never noticed, as when using IRST many times people did not reacted.

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Is there a report open for the EF maw reacting to flares?
Or should this have been automatically fixed by the MAW being radar based now?
Because it still reacts to flares.

@Gunjob can we use this to get friendly contacts in the HMD?

We already get friendly contacts in the HMD, it just requires you to scan them specifically with your radar atm, unlike tge A-10C/M2K5DRMV/Rafale; tgat use tge power of friendship and magic to do so ingame.

The ability to display targets on HMD using other sensors (RWR, datalink, IFF, etc…) has been bug reported already, and the case is realistically rock solid, the question is just “will gaijin actually implement said realiatic feature already present on other aircrafts ingame, or screw EFT players for whatever reason”

he says wingman
thats only one friendly not all of them sadly


hell yeah