Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Would be nice if German Eurofighter got the proper paint scheme, instead of a copy paste of the Italian, and British Eurofighter colors.

Skin rework is in the works…
Just other issues are currently more Important so the Skin has to wait…

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And? 8 better than 6. I think double p for f/a-18.

that along with radar fix otherwise 8AMRAAM wouldn’t help much with that state of radar

Why Gaijin remove GMTI mode from EFT while other fighter still have that mode.

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It was rather buggy, Rafale lost it too. But I hope it’s part of the radar overhaul

Report with no Pantsir Launch Warning: Eurofighter cannot identify Pantsir track radar // // Issues

Rafale report got acceped instantly, EF should be the same right? 🗿🗿

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And so they did :)


now on to the big question
“When it gonna get fix?”

Is S1 the only AA that produces the “?” ?

it tracks radar mark as “?”
it can detect pantsir track radar but not warn the lunch or identified (which it should)

I was asking about that “?” identification.
If S1’s radar is the only radar that can’t be identified, then you know ? = S1.

No, it also ? Some lower br spaa and planes radars. And most likely ship, but I have not checked

OTOMATIC as well


Though with OTOMATIC it’s really weird, just strafed one of them at 90° and it was showing that it’s locking me, even though he was shooting at another guy in a different sector of the sky.

Thats i think is the IRST/EOT track Pantsir has

Or thats what i assumed it was

E/O does not ping RWR…

I thought that too.
But then jets seem to know when a Stormer has them locked and has fired on them.

Assumed it was some kind of system the Typhoon had to detect the emissions.