Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Mig 23 would never lie and be deceptive on anything


Because Gaijin will not implement different types of Brimstone just for the sake of Tornado, also why would you use Tornado when you have EFT?

@MotorolaCRO is right, EFT has every advantage in every department except A2G munitions but even then the amount of Brimstone you can use is heavily compensates this issue.

Not gonna even talk about whole armament options and flight performance.

As back-up perhaps? it uses less SP point when EFT down


Still ,with the amount of Brimstone’s Tornado still can get the job done, especially after the addition extra Brimstones.

I’ll always be against fully functional LOAL armaments as those promote the ultimate braindead gameplay made for single-cell organisms.

Tornado surely needs better Brimstones than EFT does to compensate, but compensation could easily be made by just moving up aircraft to 13.0 or 13.3 in GRB without giving aircraft multiple version of the same missile.
It being just a single BR step below Su-34 is sadly a compression issue and that’s a problem most people have with the game for years now.

No!.India is the only big country that is not represented in the game yet…Only to India…
Moreover, a replacement for Tom Cruise has grown up in India.

India is UK’s sub tech-tree, so 30MKI will go to UK if ever added.

Im sorry to say my dude but india is gonna be a uk subtree

Motorola made the argument that the Su34 needs extremely powerful AGMs because it’s airframe was bad and that the Typhoon should only have weak SAL only AGMs because it has a very good FM.

I was pointing out that if that was the case, the tornado should have way better AGMs than SAL only Brimstone 1s

Finally someone that understands.
I’ve seen far too many people malding over singular advantages RU tech has, demanding western tech catch up or even get more powerful.

I’m not really sure if it’s anti-RU bias or just ignorance on how balance should actually work.


Good i want it to happen i might finally avoid deadweight clickbait horde for good.


No!.Once upon a time, the Merkava was in the US branch, and where will you send the Indian ones-Rafale / Mirage-2000…


Motorola made that argument because KH38MT’s is the only redeeming factor against other top tier jets.

EFT has insane flight performance, capable of carrying much more both A2A and A2G munitions while having better survivability and situational awareness.

Without KH38MT’s SU34 will become obsolete compare to other top tier CAS planes.

Tornado could’ve Brimstone 2’s thats fine, but we both know Gaijin will not give special treatment to GR4 as it recieved additional Brimstones and BOL pods with this uptade.

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It still shouldn’t matter. Quantity is mitigated by SAL only. Ahistorical Brimstone 1 nerf ontop of the fact you can only shoot at one thing at once Is just BS. Especially when you consider how easy the Su-34 has it considering they don’t have to deal with Pantsirs

I won’t fight against Tornado getting better A2Gs.
However, I’ll fight EFT getting better A2Gs as that will make the aircraft blatantly OP.

Just saw a report got accepted about VT1 range (15km) and G pull(25G at 8km instead of 14G), and another adats report too(only G pull and acceleration), it will get a bit easier to deal with cas as a whole

It does matter, giving Brimstones LOAL and Radar Guidance will break the game that was never seen before.

Which is not even a problem for EFT considering you can launch them, get behind cover and pop before couple seconds left the engage with enemy vehicles safely.

Su-34 doesnt have this option.

Its called balance not bullshit, as EFT owner i heavily disagrees about adding LOAL and Radar Guidance to Brimstones.

EFT can easily deal with any Spaa, including Pantsir. This Pantsir excuse became obsolete as soon as EFT and Rafale added to the game.


Then whatever the next jet the soviet get should have Vikhrs only even if they are ahistorical because Su34 is enough as it is

The only threat a Su-34 has to worry about is whether the enemy team has spawned a CAP jet and whether a friendly Pantsir, or 6 of them, since RU teams tend to spawn hordes of them, are sentient enough to focus on the CAP aircraft.

I don’t even care about “LOAL”, they can even straight up limit how many Brimstones I can take on my EFT, just make them IR F&F as a compromise.

What I find funnier is that, I’ve recently learned that the Su-25SM3, y’know, the aircraft that’s been the bane of all non-RU SPAA’s for a few months, shouldn’t even be able to use Kh-38s (only Su-34s and Su-57 can), it was given them based on a technicality, but we can’t even get Brimstone 2s that our EFTs have actually used/tested.