Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

You mean the Swiss evaluation during which the EFT was still limited to just LGBUs wheras Rafale had already been integrated with AASM? (it was a T2 B8 jet if I remember correctly). Nowdays I’d wager a Eurofighter is better equipped for Omnirole than the Rafale, with SPEAR 3, Brimstones, LGBUs, and the Cruise Missiles.

while being on par in air superiority(win for high alt for EFT and low to mid for rafale) — especially with the addition of the Meteor missile.

Why would Rafale win mid/low?

Would it though? Iirc, EF, Harrier and Gripens get largest volume. If they fix it, refresh time wont be an issue and you will get pretty big scan area unlike other radars. F-15 gets 2bar in same azimuth for example. And thats ONLY thing that can rival EF up high.

I mean the Thales RDY is already one of the best Radars in game and has been for a good while now, only really topped by the Strike eagle radar and the new 4.5 radars are taking it’s crown once fixed

Oh bro good luck even trying to get any no classified sources on Raptor for the game. That thing is going to be a mess.

They should have just not added the F-15I all together (and to be honest not even the F-15E as well). No one asked for it and it completely fucked top tier air RB balance

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It doesnt really act like aesa, the scan is still slow compared to pesa or M-scan of foxhunter.
It has insane ammount of bars so completing it takes a lot of time. Then it will act as it acts now as once you get track on it, it will keep it no matter the refresh rate.
It will only allow it to find and establish targets faster, then nothing changes. But captor-m? Everything changes. From one of the worst radars, to one of the best, certainly best M-scan on top tier (if there wont be ghosts ofc).

The strike eagles felt out of place to begin with, they should’ve come next year

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Should’ve been F-18C tbh, then AESA strike eagle this update

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Yep, along with the Su-34. Completely unnecessary and dumb additions, completely skipping over the late 80s early 90s aircraft

No, Rafale blows them out of the water in scan volume with a 70x31° TWS mode that also scans SUBSTANTIALLY faster.

The Su-34 also has a 60x20° mode that also scans much faster

The typhoon’s 60x11° above average for older planes/radars, but it also scans slower than stuff like F-15/16.

Yeah no… its TWS is 1 bar. That thing is next to useless.

overcome simply with a bit of gimbal manipulation, it is a far more consistent feeling radar when it comes to target detection and retention than other comparable radars on light fighters

You joking right??? Strike eagle is STILL best top tier jet as of now due to radar issues of EF (then it can still carry more amraams which is THE meta) and it carries more reliable countermesures.
Rafale cant come even close no matter how many micas you throw on it as they are rocks once they burn out and are nowhere near amraam.
F-15E/I in their current states are still top dogs and there is literally BIG FAT ZERO need for new US or IAF top tiers. What is needed is Russian and Swedish top tier. Maybe Japan but F15C is still there and super capable.


F-22 with no HMS and 9M’s

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It does but that whole scan takes eternity to complete. Once you complete it and establish tracks, it literally doesnt matter. They are updated no matter where it sweeps.
So only thing that changes with bug fix is how fast you find these targets.
What changes on M-scan of EF is that you will get LARGEST volume out of M-scans with quick 3.5 sec refresh. It literally changes whole radar. What changes on AESA is only time for establishing the tracks, nothing else.

I cant speak to RB, but most CC’s seem to agree he Rafale is the best jet at top tier atm and that was before the CM buff and extra 2 MICA’s.

In sim the Rafale is probably the new king, particularly since they just “fixed” the only 2 “problems” it had, and it already has the beat situational awareness and best close range missiles in-game by a country mile. The only “problem” left for the Rafale in sim is its not great at doing multirole stuff (just doesnt have the correct ordinance on the correct pylons to do so).

The MICA’s range isnt really a problem when you can just wait near notch for them to get in range and then just crush them WVR for free.

Yeah that’s the 2005 spec, would only have 120C aswell

CCs are usually D*mb. Only reason why they agree on it is because people will literally fly into you and close range on their own into effective range of mica. NOONE IS FORCING THEM TO DO IT.
F15s, EFs, F-16s all can stay away and are faster than rafale. Some of them significantly. Yet they close in and die. Not my problem that they cant use their advantage and they play it like 2ww props instead.

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Could you expand upon the Key Differences between the UK and Ger one?
Germans “key element” WAS their smokeless missile.
Rafale has AESA radar…
Now it doesnt have it.
Rafale/UK EF have IRST, what is Germany’s key element?