Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

There is no logical reason why the pylon should be technically restricted to air to ground missiles / bombs etc. You can fit anti rad missiles, but no Amraams?

That is the point I tried to make

Most of the time it is better to let people come to the conclusion themselves instead of straight up telling them

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Which none of them are a2a missiles.

They need similar data from the fcs to be fired if not even more than an amraams

Why did the German eurofighter lose its integrated targeting camera?

Bc it doesn’t have an IRST

No the integrated camera underneath fuselage, not talking about the IRST

It doesn’t have one never had irl
That was a bug on the dev server
It still has a targeting pod

The Italian and UK typhoons still have the integrated targeting camera

Yeah bc they can use the irst as a targeting camera
The German EF doesn’t have an irst

This is nothing but claim, there is no sufficent evidence that shows EFT can carry A2A missiles on those pylons.

There is also no evidence that clearly says it can’t.
So can we stop now bc this isn’t going anywhere

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But if you notice the position of the integrated camera, it’s UNDER the fuselage

Old reports are being forgotten, that’s why there isnt a lot of trust by the community.

That’s bc gaijin modeled it wrong

Then stop it with your empty claims,so far you showed nothing but made empty claims.

Same for you, like I said this is going nowhere

8 days later…

So you understand that those shouldn’t be removable, but you can’t comprehend that the EF can use its Irst as a targeting camera?

Hmmmm, sounds like Su-25 Kh-38MT double standard.