Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Seems sensible: 4 MRAAM and 6 SRAAM (with TMC)

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A mean ASRAAM is more like a MRAAM in alot of situations haha.



Should be a very interesting missile.

oh my, my post removed instantly by gunjob in front of my sight.

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because u quoted a restricted manual ya goober…

Taking sections of text from the Italian DA.7 manuals is not permitted just as much as posting snips of it isn’t.

@MBDA_Meteor dont make me tap the sign. You won’t get another warning.


well, next time I’ll not specify where it from… then it will be fine, I think.

No it won’t. Trying to avoid the forum rules will get you banned, I suggest you change course.

god i hope your joking

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all right, all right. forgive me, cause currently I’m grabbing some lots of beers.

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dont worry lads he was drunk when he posted the manual that makes it understandable


First WT classified leaks due to alcohol confirmed?

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Well it’s not really a leak when you can download it off the internet with a simple google search. It is however against the rules to post it here.

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yeah im more poking fun. I understand that most of the “leaks” in WT history have just been things you could google search, but arent “officially” public releases

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ya thats weird I think,
Ex-restricted (wich downloadable freely with 5 min googling) banned in this forum…
well, I;ll not touch those things never ever ever.

I’d probably do a 4x4 AMRAAM + AIM-9M/Li personally until a point where WVR becomes less necessary.
Depends on IF Gaijin models multi-spectrum flares between June and end of year.

Not precedent as Ares implied with their question.
Su-27 has its full 6x R-73 loadout available to it, and no tech tree aircraft lacks AAMs that are in-game, and no premium lacks pylons that can have AAMs, though it does lack AAMs on its dual-mount: A-10A, the only aircraft in game, and it’s a premium.
Typhoon will have no pylon restrictions as AMRAAMs will already be in the game.

Typhoon WILL arrive an entire year minimum before Meteor missiles. That much is obvious.
Likely before better IR missiles as well.

if that’s a MBDA brochure i’d say that company is somewhat schyzophrenic, or not very self aware, or maybe both X)

I’m not refuting your sources. I am not making claims about it’s performance or capabilities. I am making the point that discussion towards what each variant will be equipped with is pointless because Gaijin hasn’t been consistent. Better to keep track and records of the documentation of what variant can carry what armament. The debates are just useless clutter.

Of course then you want to clutter the discussion further by taking any chance to insult people which was why the thread was closed in the first place.

And is @MythicPi discussing DMs between him and staff in the public forum again? Tsk tsk.

Also devolving the conversation by comparing possible Rafale loadouts in the Eurofighter thread (and being biased at that by selling the Rafale short)… that really isn’t useful either.

It’s from an MBDA press release, and frankly I don’t think they’re that far off. From what I’ve seen ASRAAM does indeed outclass all other short range missiles in terms of range and speed.

Since when ? I never insulted you.

and if you think that an insult then the forums aren’t really for you

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