Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

i didnt say it was not possible

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Missiles extend further backwards… and landing gear need to umm, operate.

look again, they weapon stations mount weapons far forward on them (compare the AMRAAM in this pic to the IRIS-T and the AMRAAM’s furthest point back reaches about 1/3rd from the end of the fins on the IRIS-T):

Now compare it to the placement of bombs and you’ll notice its about the same position:

There shouldn’t be any interference with the landing gears. Imo those rails are far enough forward not to interfere with landing gears.

Btw found an EF with Aim9 on inner wing pylon (not)


Arent those paveways?

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mh might be

Assuming any of these claims of which pylon can have what are correct… Will gaijin even allow it? So far the 2000-5F Mirage is the only one with 4x magic 2 for example. The MiG-29 series is being withheld the R-73 and yet also given R-27ER. I guess any discussion on load outs is more or less not relevant unless it is supported by images and documentation and even then… Best to wait and see and if there is more to add it can be put forth in a suggestion.

Y’all will need to gather all the necessary sources and pre-ready a suggestion in that case.

Cool image. That’s the first time I’ve seen ALARM on an in flight Eurofighter.

Any clue what the chunky looking thing on the left of the intake is? Doesnt quite look like a TGP.

Has nothing to do with this, it is balancing.
Better example is the su 27 and how gajin restricts the amount of r 73 it takes.
Same for this gajin csn always restrict more pylons to just the asraam equivalent it gets.
Not all need to be filled with meteors

The Su-27s in-game have their full IRL armament options ?


spacing is fine for missiles
look at the space behind the paveway

and then look at like a lau-127

or with missiles

remember that the outer pylon is smaller than the inner pylon (14 inch vs 30 inch, 611 vs 873mm long)

Here’s a growler lau-127

space shouldnt be a problem for the inner pylon with missiles


TGP, but round looks kinda like an ATFLIR but tbh i think thats a render lmao


Interesting. I can only assume it is a targeting pod. I remember a brochure said you could mount a targeting pod in place of an AMRAAM, but I had never seen it done until now because everyone just sticks it on the centre line.

Just remembered I had this screenshot from somewhere, I genuinly dont know where I got it, nor does it indicate which station is numbered, but it is interesting:

We could technically cross reference the chart to the known weapon stations for comparison tho. Interestingly it also includes Skyflash/Aspide, which @Gunjob says the radar cant illuminate for, along with the asymmetric loading of the AMRAAM being odd, so it likely this isn’t accurate.

As a sidenote, allegedly the source for the 14 meteor Typhoon is Eurofighter themselves:

Yea, a art from Eurofighter World



rather easy to figure out

Yeah its a future concept for how they envisage the Eurofighter to grow into its role as a more mature platform.

They expect that it will take advantage of datalinking and stealth aircraft as well as air defence networks such as Type 45 destroyers, Sachsen’s and Horizon class’ in order to use its high service ceiling and speed to launch Meteor from long range whilst allowing assets like F-35 to remain hidden but provide mid-course corrections.

Very much like what the F-15EX is supposed to do from what I can tell.


Yes it will be allowed, we are talking about 13.0+ BR’s?

Tbh this looks like a render to me not sure tho