Engines sounds not rendering

Can’t be more clear than this video;

Completely silent up until 150m away when he’s spotted, before that, no sound at all.

This is completely game breaking, I can hear easily a car engine revving at 400m-500m, You can even hear engines from the village battle but this guy is completely silent, I knew the teammate died but never knew from where until I heard the rev and it was way too late.


dude i have this exact issue, its so annoying

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Can confirm this is a big issue.

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I thought I was making excuses at first but it kept happening. This makes the game absolutely miserable for me and I don’t think I’ll be touching it till they fix this.

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Well it’s either your crew’s keen vision isn’t enough or it’s another Gaijin updates crappy coding…

probably the latter
also that’s what keen vision actually does? ive always figured it didnt do much.


i also have this and the engine sound of my bmp 2m bugged yesterday it really sounded like a gas turbine engine starting up

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Screenshot 2025-03-22 090322

Though there recently was a bug fix that fixed an issue with sound volume being tied to height above sea level so the higher up a vehicle was the quieter it got.

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which of those stats is the one that is supposed to mean the SOUND ?

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“Absolute detection”

still, keen vision is such a shit mechanic dude…

Hey, you didnt spent 1000’s of hours playing this crew? get nailed because the commander can’t hear a diesel revving at 2000rpm at 200m from him…

You clearly see him render in and out when he’s not spotted by anyone on the map, dude can sneak up to knife fight distance because game mechanic allows it, it’s stupid AF.

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still a stupid mechanic come on…

These vehicles are loud AF irl and even a simple 4 cylinders car engine can be heard from pretty far…

The fact that a vehicle can’t be heard until he’s physically visible by someone is utter bullshit and breaks immersion…

Plus, everybody has tons of other crew skills to prioritize before that shit keen vision skill, especially that you have to level it on every crew members because it uses a median…

I know about the keen vision skill, still stupid.

The fact that a tank 10m further away from your “spotting” distance will render in and out is already bad, now if even the sound is affected, it’s very stupid…

It breaks immersion a lot and for someone who relies on their ears a lot to detect enemies it’s just unfair that they stay completely silent up until a certain point or that they are spotted by someone…

Shitty mechanic and it has no place in a war game.

I wouldn’t call it stupid, just unrefined.
The vehicles really should have separate stats for visual detection, IR-detection and audio detection because some tanks are LOUD and some IFV’s are so quiet that you wont hear them irl when they are 200m away. Same with visual detection and IR, some tanks glow like the sun and some can barely be seen. If they ever add the barracuda camo i hope that they introduce some changes to detection along with it.

For comparison, the CV90 is ridiculously quiet at distance, This is from a showcase in Sweden, compare the volume of children talking, the machineguns of the CV90’s and how little you hear the engine until they are like 100m away:

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some vehicles are quieter, that’s true.

But the FIAT in this video has one of the loudest engine in the game and it’s revving pretty high too, a vehicle cruising at a set rpm will be quieter, indeed, but in war thunder, everybody always floors it anyway, it’s supposed to be loud.

I get that you have to defend the game, but unrealistic mechanics like that just removes immersion from the player and on that specific case, if I heard him a bit earlier, I would’ve at least got some time to react.

It’s a big issue, I hope it will be fixed soon.

Oh, i don’t :) I give critique where i think it’s warranted and in a constructive and structured way :P (though apparently many think that still isn’t being negative about those things lol). The sound engine in the game definitively needs an update, i just suggested how i would want them to increase the complexity and nuances of it :)

This has nothing to do with sound. This needs a change asap.