Editing / Creating loadouts during the match

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I would like to suggest to make a new QOL mechanic, featuring a possibility to create or edit plane’s custom loadouts even during the match. This would be possible for any gamemode, where you can use your own planes - air AB, RB, SB, ground RB, SB, etc.

No particularly new mechanic needs to be created - only adding the existing one straight from the hangar: If the default loadout, presented by the game is selected, only the button “Copy” is availible, though by selecting a custom loadout, button “Preset actions” will show up, containing “Rename”, “Edit”, “Copy” and “Delete”.

Why would we even need this mechanic in the game? Well, sometimes it could be really useful!

I think that everyone has faced this particular problem: You have researched for new rockets or bombs, but simply forget to create a loadout and join the match without one, so the only thing left for you is to remember to change it afterwards and beg not to forget about it again… several times…
Or there is another case - you have already unlocked the needed weaponary, yet you see that it would be more effective to edit your loadout in some way - take more bombs than rockets (for example, instead of 8 S-25, take 4 FAB-500 and 4 S-25), so it would be more fitting to use in certain situations that you weren’t aware about, or simply update it (for example, replace old rear-aspect R-60 with all-aspect R-60M, or maybe choose AIM-9M over AIM-120, depending on the map) to be more effective on the battlefield.

Of course, this particular mechanic can’t and shouldn’t be used in every single battle, though it would be really useful in some part of them, as noone of us is protected against our own mistakes.


For me personally, I don’t think this would be the best suggestion, despite how useful it may be for altering presets after heading into a match. Let me explain:

The main reason I say this is that I would personally like to see Dynamic Battle Ratings in the future based on weapons/loadouts, such as the ability to have an A-10A/C at a significantly lower BR by unequiping the Aim-9L/Ms, or having a stock grinding tank such as the M1A1 Aim at a slightly lower BR until it unlocks and equips the APFSDS or a plane such as the F-15A which could be a single step lower when it doesn’t have any Aim-9Ms equipped. Ofc a new system would have to be added alongside this to lock presets that would mean higher BRs, which is where I think my developing suggestion and yours collide.

If my idea/suggestion proves to not be possible or disliked by many, than I’ll gladly endorse yours, as in modes like Ground RB it would be quite helpful, and in modes like Air RB where I forget to equip my newly unlocked missile, that would also be helpful. Hope I made my point/standing clear, and that I absolutely don’t dislike your idea, but rather I think it could pose some problems for an idea of my own.

Either way, well thought out and well put together suggestion, well done! <3

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Very smart lol, it’s late for me and I almost missed it

Few too many edits I made, while also trying to fall asleep myself (but keep waking up to take care of my sick/hurt doggo)
Thanks for pointing it out lol, edited.

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Aww poor puppa, hope they get better soon man.

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Massive yes. Nothing is more annoying than wanting a perticular loadout in Sim but not having a preset ready for it. and there is a cap on how many presets you can have as well. Tried making a loadout for every single possible configuration I might need in the Gr7 and still found a time when I wanted something different.

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This would be a great addition to the gameplay too!

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