EasyAntiCheat Crashes my Entire PC (Yes,It's true.)

Before you jump to conclussions, saying how my PC is garbage, how my PSU is at fault, my GPU is overheating etc etc. Let me just stop you right there. My PC is brand new,has all its drivers updated and it runs all of the newer games on Max settings.

However, when i decide to play War Thunder… after certain amount of time (15-20) all of a sudden, my PC restarts itself and my audio drivers are gone. Then, i have to restart my PC once again manually in order for PC to install the audio drivers back automatically.

Now,at first i thought my PC is the problem,and i had a nervewrecking session that lasted months,trying to figure out what is happening.

- How can you be sure its Easy Anti Cheat that’s problem?!

  • When playing other games,even ones that are more requiring and harder on PC,nothing happens.

Okay b-b-b-ut how can you be so sure its because of EasyAntiCheat?!

  • Well i downloaded Back 4 Blood which also includes EasyAnitCheat and my PC restarted,that was until i ‘‘repaired’’ the service in games root folder and then it proceeded to work fine.

So… why don’t you repair the EAC in War Thunder Root file then,ya silly?

  • Because it can not be repaired,even tho the setup says its repaired,game still crashes.

Look,fellas from Gaijin…

I paid you, to have 6 months of premium time in War Thunder and half of that time i hadn’t even spent playing becuase of EAC problems. Im not asking you to give me more premium time or give me my cash back,no no. Im simply asking you to please just fix the issue with EAC.

That means,get rid of it. It is not working,okay? We both know it. Just use something else.


Thank you.

We are using battle eye now

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i think they changed over like a month ago man. sooooo

Since when? Because it obviously says ‘‘EasyAntiCheat’’ in Games launcher…


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Bruh,i have that in my root folder aswell,but why is the EasyAntiCheat still needed to play the game then??

Yes, since over a month ago.

If you suspect anti-cheat causes the issue: Start game without anti-cheat enabled (Uncheck the anti-cheat box lower right corner of official launcher). If it still works, which it probably will, anti-cheat is not at fault.

Try running the launcher itself as admin for a run, verify game files and see how it goes from there.

If this was anything other than your problem, this would be happening to all players, not just you

So just as others shouldn’t jump to conclusions you shouldn’t either.

that fix app may not help, because it can’t fix everything about EAC.
you may try start the game without EAC first to make sure it’s EAC’s problem. If so, then fully delete everything about EAC, including this path C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\EasyAntiCheat
and reinstall EAC, it may help. My eac crashed before and I fixed it this way.

Actually, a very good point here…

Even delete the EAC folder in the game folder, and reverify to get that back.

If you play war thunder from steam launcher you will have easyanticheat, if you play from gaijin launcher it is battleeye, because on steam the switch has not yet accured.


Can confirm. I use Steam and it still launches War Thunder with EAC. And I’m okay with that because I’ve heard of more folks having issues with Battle Eye than with EAC, so I’m happy to continue using EAC for as long as I can.

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Please use this thread:

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