Easy airbase destruction wins games

ha ha . .coffee breaks indeed

After 10 years . . .I just don’t get why Gaijin ruins their own game.

I simply don’t get it

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Yeah, AI in general in SB has never really seen any kind of love. I heard rumours its 100% handled by a single person

Irony . . .speaking of bombers

My Kids and me just completed our first summer project

So yeah . . .

I have enjoyed a bomber


Oh very cool. when time/money allows. Im thinking a Tornado or Hunter model needs to be purchased and assembled

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While We did mess up in quite a few places . . .but it is an awesome boat load of fun.

Make sure to get the right paints

I think I have them hooked. . . .Sadly my eldest is focused on tanks

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Will do. I’ve also got some 40k stuff sat half done. Been looking at getting them finished and painted, but money is too tight at the moment. So yeah, I want to do it, but must be done properly

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This used to work, but has been broken for a while now. I’m not sure if it still does after the latest AF changes, but damage to the housing module of the AF that controls AF repair would make it start working on that AF.

With the low damage requirements to destroy the modules, it’s currently moot.

With the previous greater AF HP and working repair, it took at least 2 aircraft working together to destroy modules.

No way, taking away even MORE features isn’t the solution. The game has been stripped naked enough as it is. And I know bomber players are not look at with good eyes, but they are also a part of the Sim community and necessary as the player base is anemic enough already.

I say the AI planes defending the airfields needs to be more aggressive and stop getting stuck in the runway after they die once.

Airfield destruction appeared to be a good idea, but our feeble-minded playerbase only knows how to abuse such systems… At the very least, the base components need to be adjusted so they don’t get destroyed so quickly.

Adding additional targets for bomber play would also help. I’m not against bomber play when it’s done right. I sometimes enjoy bombers myself. Right now, bombers have too much influence on battles, and it happens at too fast of a pace.

Yeah im pretty much only in the Tornado Gr1 these days. Bases are fine, but dull, AFs are fun to attack, but its too powerful. No other target is worth it currently due to spaa.

I think this is yet another anti-bomber rant. Gimme, gimme, gimme. The fighter mafia has already had it’s way far too much. Further, the last thing that’s needed is yet another feature of the game removed to appease the point and click fighter pilots already high on their own supply of foot stomping, pouting & lazy ego. You don’t like it? How about playing AS A TEAM and defending the base, instead of chasing a bot dive bomber to farm your RP at the expense of your team losing the game ?

What exactly are you smoking? You can’t even fly a bomber 1/3 of the way across the map without getting flamed. What a total pile.

Actually, no. In their defence, and this comes from A Tornado Gr1 main. It is an issue. The AFs went from needing 2 or 3 players making a proper effort to destroy/disable an AF over an extended period of time, to theoretically speaking, being able to take an entire AF, single-handedly in a single sortie. By disabling the AFs, you prevent the other team from spawning and thus win the game.

This was a change made very recently, and at first I thought it was hyperbole as they use to be far more reasonable in how much they took to destroy and even I agree its now really really bad. I was surprised how little it took to destroy an AF. (Which you can see the results of my testing if you scroll up). It also hurts Bombers more than you think as well. before you could drop bombs on the AF and get quite a bit of score if there was nothing else to hit, but now, you get next to nothing because it dies instantly. I find myself quite frequently in the situation where I have 8-12k of bombs and no targets to hit. Normally I’d just go lob them at an AF, easy score, maybe a kill, but likely no major impact on the game. Especially as damaging an AF doesnt affect tickets, where as bases do. So its also great for extending a match. Now though, if I throw even just 8K of bombs, I get the reward of hitting it with at most 2 or 3. A huge amount of wastage and it does actually have potential to massively impact the game.

I think taking out an AF is a tactical thing to do. I did it on Denmark the other day. 4 AFs were on the far left, 1 was on the far right. I took out the right hand one and had a really easy time hitting bases in that area as everyone was spawning on the left. But I did that in a single sortie, should have taken at least 3 or 4 I reckon to be “fair”. Maybe the AFs being so destructable is “accurate” but If I can throw 12k of bombs from well out of range of the AF defences, from a starting alt of 50ft and at 1.05 mach. Then there is little you can do to really defend against that, nor can you defend ALL AFs at the same time. And I should realistically be able to throw from much further away than I can currently, but we are missing some HUD symbology, so accuracy is an issue.

TLDR on what I found, 2/4 modules only take approx 2k of bombs to destroy, the other 2/4 need about 4k of bombs. That is easily carryable by a lot of bombers at a range of BRs.

This is SB not RB. I rarely touch lower tiers, but what I do know, bombers are actually quite strong because they get the third person aiming still. I also think he was refering to top tier Jet bombers. not WW2 era heavy bombers.

When something like a Tornado Gr1 played well, could end a match that should last 1+ Hour in about 15 minutes single-handedly, then yeah, its probably fairly reasonable to say they have too much power. Especially as you dont even need to destroy the entire AF, just the runway I beleive. That I think is about 4k of bombs needed. Come to think of it, I could probably end a SB match on Tunisia, in a single sortie in the Gr1, maybe. (might need to be tested, for science of course). Probably wouldnt take much more than 5 minutes on that map to hit all 3 AFs.

He also didnt say it should be immortal, just harder and also advocated for more things too bomb. Both points I agree on, and both things bombers should want


Ok then, news to me, I will have to check this out. Last I looked it took at least two heavy bombers (Lancaster e.g.) 10 passes to destroy an AF, and then this was after all four bases were taken out. Granted, I’m not Sim, ever, and even with an A10 or F105, it took a while, but your obviously a serious contributor, I will assume what your saying is true.

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Yeah, I dont think RB was affected by this change. Only SB, or more accurately EC.

SB bases dont need to be destroyed first and the AFs work differently, they have modules. Each module affects something different

It’s a really really good idea, but its kinda crazy at the moment and definetly needs fixing as before it was rare to see an AF even badly damaged.

I gottta admit you have a point there. Most fighter pilots only care about the thrill of dogfighting with other players, not doing the objectives.

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But let’s not forget the fact that games now end pretty quickly regardless of airfield destruction, hence why is easier to destroy airfields now, because matches just don’t give you enough time to do so if the health was as it used to be when EC games actually lasted 3 hours.

I think that was a bug that just got fixed. So we’ll have to see how things are over the next few weeks. Though it certainly is something to consider. That being said, Whether the match last 30 minutes or if it lasts 3 hours. Being able to take out 3/3 AF runways, in a single sortie, is probably not a good thing

I believe this has now been fixed. Shall need to test it more, but before where I was able to destroy an AF in a single pass, its now not possible. At least in the limited testing I’ve done so far. Going to put it through tis paces over the coming days

this all sounds good and I’ll sign it right away.

But you have too high expectations for a game that primarily only promotes the undemanding RB mode.