Earn the Churchill AVRE in the Operation Overlord Event!

35K is an appropriate value.
Below that, no one will spend money.
This is a money making event.
This is not an event to give away free vehicles.
Gaijin will be bitter about people getting free prizes.


Lol, lmao even.
Predicted price? 5GJN


either that or 500 because like 4 people will be bothered or insane enough to grind 500k for a meme rank 2 vehicle

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Didnt they even put some accounts into debt for their mistake in a bonus code some time ago?




cant wait to star the no life train again just to hit 35k every 2 days -_- im i the only one that thinks they should make it into a 2 week long thing only? what i mean is why not make it 300k points in the next 2 weeks to unlock everything along the way instead of having everything blocked off tell the days end?
it would be a lot more fair for people who have real jobs/life


Because they need to generate FOMO so that people buy the stages and spend 6000 (?) GE on it wich is double that of some of the more expensive Rank II premium tanks.



Does this qualify as being muzzel loaded? lol

British tanks are a God damn joke

No, but breakaction loading.

im just saying it would be smarter if they did that it would also let everyone have it and not just a few

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Yeah, no way i’m wasting my life grinding 35k for a situational rank 2…


The requirements are, once again, far too high…


Better for the players? Yes sure
Better for Gaijins wallet? On a long term yes, on a short term not.

Its just striking that for a very important date such as 80th anniversary of D-Day, they cant be asked to say “you know what, heres a small fun thing and very easy to get”


Why do we need ro grind the same amount of points for low rank and high rank vehicles ?

How does that one make any sense?
Where is the balance between the effort we need to put into those events and the reward for those efforts?

In my eyes Gaijin should adjust the points requirements from those constant 35k points to something in between 20k and 40k Points, depending on the br/rank of the vehicle.

Give casual F2P players at least a chance to get sometimes something good in those events.


So, no naval this time?

its a mortar for destroying fortifications and buildings as well as clearing tank traps and barbed wire etc. its not suppose to fight tanks.

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They already confirmed that we would get a one month break after this event, followed by a naval Event if I remember correctly

another one that looks like this to me:

Among the rewards in the event is also this chest, where, when opened, brings the chance to receive one of the following items:

  • 50,000 - 100,000 Silver Lions
  • 50,000 - 100,000 Silver Lions
  • Universal Backups (1 - 3)
  • Universal Backups (1 - 3)
  • Universal Backups (1 - 3)
  • Universal Backups (1 - 3)
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This will be interesting. Isn’t the range of the Spigot mortar a max of like 200m? And with the way the round sits in the gun, is it possible to ammo rack like the Sturmtiger?

This is kind of cool, but frankly I see quite a few flaws that would make this thing difficult and unenjoyable to play. But we’ll just have to wait and see.

Will the track armour be a removable modification like on other british vehicles?