Earn the Churchill AVRE in the Operation Overlord Event!

35K points and Rank II for a iconic british tank… C’mon Gaijin.

When it came to the IS-2 event, it was perfect in every way : 25K allowing a grind without a headache, the possibility of obtaining interesting goodies and an appreciable iniative replacing the Craft Event.

Why to not continue in that way for the low prize ? Why ?


Only issue with that one is that it would be HESH, and we all know how well that works

Don’t agree with the score requirement but I do look forward to the vehicle! Nice to see!

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will we get the larger beehive charge with it as well or just the 40lb one?
also 35k GODDAMN

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yes it will be counted.

35000 points per stage for rank II tank is utterly ridiculous as it’s barely worth 20000 per stage. For a comparison, IS-2 no.321 from previous D-day event was just 25000, and unlike this silly useless meme, it can be actually used in events and preforms just as well as regular one.


But that was too fair so we made it harder -The snail (probably)



35k for a meme rank 2 heavy tank??? no thanks, specially when after one or two months you can buy it for 12 GJC in the market.


It wouldn’t be as much of a problem if they didn’t keep anything below Rank III from contributing to the battle pass - or any event for that matter. You’re missing efficiency if you play Rank II at all! Shame, because I think the early ranks are the best in every gamemode.


35K… That’s crazy, it’s only a rank II vehicle. We have jobs, family, etc. to tend to, I don’t want to make a daily grind for something like that.
Let casual player have fun too in event…

I did make a suggestion in the relevant forum to reduce the grind and still make it competitive (talisman, coupon) and grindy for people who do want to grind (or pay :). Maybe it’s a good opportunity to review it?


Why its not a 290mm version? :c

III, it’s welded

Gonna be borderline useless with a 50m range but funni nonetheless. Hopefully we see the more balanced Mk VII AVRE as a premium sometime soon.

Gaijin made Mad Thunder and thought they could squeeze this in as well

The Sun Allways Shines on TV!


Jokes aside, it will be situational, in city maps around the corner or over a little hill? Good.

Open map? Sturer Emil will blow out your engine block.

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Why 35k and not 25k? Its only Rank II and a meme machine.


I think 35k is a bit much for a rank II vehicle, 20k or 25k would be more reasonable.

