Earn the Churchill AVRE in the Operation Overlord Event!

more like stompjas in swedish tech tree lol but avre is so similar british churchill with stompjas added

500k point only for tradeable voucher which is rank 2 tank?

really gaijin


I hope so but i dont see any mentions about that in the devblog

We already have it.

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How did I genuinely not notice lmao It was only available for a limited time back in 2017 and I missed it.

You know what, I’m okay it’s a ground reward this time

They could have added a workable gun.

Dude, the AVRE was inevitable and expected addition and event is perfect for it. If you think you won’t like playing it, just don’t grind it.

AVRE - Yay
35k points, Rank II - Nay
500k for tradable coupon - Nay the 2nd

We are not allowed to have to much fun here.


Oh hell yes!

So to get the tank you need 35k score every two days.
To get the trade coupon you need 41.7k score EVERY SINGLE day or to put into perspective 83.4k score every two days.

no ty


As someone with no life, I see this as an absolute win.
Nah, but in all seriousness I cannot be asked to spend the money on this event, so I don’t mind grinding it personally.

Grinding the tank I can understand, 35k every two days is doable, but the coupon? Hell no.

There were different Churchill AVRE, ones which can actually be useful is all I’m saying. This tank will be useless. People don’t realise how close 100m is. Added with the insanely low velocity and firing arc you can just drive away from it.


Yeah I have zero interest in the coupon. Frankly I doubt it’ll go for more than 8-9 GJN, maybe that’s just me though.


yeah, but still rank 2 vehicle with 35k / stage and 500k for voucher is too much


its not out of the question they’ll have pulled some ballistics out of a place where the sun doesnt shine
165 AVRE would have been better, but the spigot mortar fits the D-Day theme better
and unless you intend to sell it, its not too bad a grind (definitely not proportional but such is the way of the snail)

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This thing looks like a hot seller

35000 is way too much.


35k X6 for a rank 2. Now they are having a laugh