Early guided ordinance for gaijin to consider


There’s a link to a site I trust

I’m looking for other photos and sources right now to add to this, im still new to forum stuff. also this is just a reference photo so people will know what im trying trying to talk about.

Edit: the link has all the photos I need now that I’ve added it

no we dont need more CAS munitions that are outside of SPAA range

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But why didn’t you just edit your other topic…

HARMS would be amazing

It would enable us to keep out of “HARMS WAY” lol

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no no it wouldnt SPAA is already at a major disadvantage compared to CAS at almost every br we dont need CAS getting better weapons

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With the Pantsir in game, we certainly need HARMs.

You do know that you can outrange the pantsir with mavericks and you do know that the pantsir like all SACLOS SPAA is essentially hard locked to 8-10km against high speed maneuvering targets because of how gaijin messed up SACLOS guidance its the best SPAA but it doesn’t mean its good


Especially since AGM-65Gs are in the game now. Rocket bombs.

You do know all you have to do is turn your RADAR off? Turn the RADAR off, and stop spawn camping planes, and just move 30 feet…

The AGM-45 is long overdue, the Aim-54 HARM/ECM mode is long overdue, and the AGM-88 isn’t even new technology.

It also forces the player to give up a ground ordinance slot to carry them, so its a give and take.

If you are going to add 2023 AA capabilities, then we can at least add 1983 anti-aa capabilities.

You cant spawn camp planes what are you on about
Actually looking at the vehicles you own youve literally never fought against a Pantsir you have no understanding of how weak SPAA really is

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We still haven’t even gotten past the GBU-16… F15C gets the GBU-8… Where it carries the Enhanced Paveway II. The 50 series…

Its getting silly honestly.

Absolutely right, I don’t have any ground vehicles at all that would see a Pantsir…

Soviets cant see soviets that doesn’t count you arent fighting a pantsir i do in my gripen and they’re not an issue i can reliably do CAP directly above the battlefield because of how poor the guidance is on SACLOS against high speed targets

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Oh, I forgot how alternate history doesn’t happen, and mixed battles don’t happen.

Bro the soviets literally never face eachover in ground

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Literally skill issue. SPAA is fine, except for non Russian at toptier.

Its not i shouldn’t be able to just easily ignore Pantsirs as a non threat in my gripen yet i can only skill issue would be you since you’re dying to a missile that you can easily outrange with almost every guided munition

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Pantsir players are known for being pretty dumb lol

I dont even play the Pantsir i have i researched but im not gonna bother playing it when i can do far better by lobbing R-27ER at CAS planes SPAA is just simply too weak to be worth playing over any plane that can do CAP