Early guided ordinance for gaijin to consider adding

Ah yes, just what we need - more CAS.

Jokes aside, the idea isn‘t that bad to be honest.

Tbh I think it would be best if it was added to vehicles that are already used in a CAS role (the ones that could use it irl) I’m thinking of posting this on /General to get more eyes

What were you envisioning carrying the GBU-1? There are no aircraft capable of self-designation that did carry it that have been implemented in game.

The major options are

  • B-57G Tropic Moon III
  • F-4D, which would use the Pave Knife Electro-Optical Targeting pod
  • F-4E, which should use either the Pave Spike or Pave Tack Targeting pods; though it doesn’t have access to the pods in game for some unknown reason, even though it is an acknowledged issue.
  • and assorted earlier A-6s, that use various systems including the Pave Light (AN/AVQ-9) designator
    ANAVQ-9 PAVE Light

The main issue is that the GBU-1 was a prototype system and saw a fairly limited production run before being replaced by assorted Mk. 80 Series Paveway I members.

Though if we are adding early systems the GBU-11 and GBU-9 (both use the 3000lb M118E1 bomb, with the former using a SALH seeker, the latter Electro-Optical like the GBU-8 in game), should also be worth consideration.


This is really helpful.
I found some text that said the same thing but I didn’t realize it was so limited. Thx

Just on a hypothetical, what do you think would be the best way for this to be added?

Thank you for the clarification.

The fairest way I think would either to be replace the F-4C, with the F-4D, and potentially increase its BR to 11.0 (It could potentially also receive better missiles, and countermeasures if it needed them, though similar capability with the Jaguar 1A & ATLIS II pod exist at 10.3), the F-4B / F-110A could also be added to replace the F-4C at a lower BR.

Or separate the F-4E out into an Early and a Late variant, and match their assorted features and stores options more closely to their actual capabilities, instead of the is Franken-plane we have currently (assorted features running from aircraft produced '66~'78, running the entire length of F-4E production for the USAF).

The B-57G though it was the first to use the LGB in combat would be fairly hard to balance properly since it lacks countermeasures, and so the ordnance would vastly outstrip its other performance metrics so would either be difficult to balance, or near useless if opposed by anything at a similar BR.

The other consideration would be to move the less performant early missiles systems down in BR to allow them to offset the improved ordnance & their standoff range, though to some degree they won’t outdo skilled use of the existing MCLOS A2G missiles (e.g. AGM-12), or other early PGMs (AGM-62).

Is there any specifics on how many gbu-1’s the b57 could carry, because I believe that would play into what the new BR would sit at.

And would it be the B-57B or A that would receive them, I think the B model would be more fitting considering it has an offensive armament .
Assuming it could carry 4 internally like it already can with the standard m117 750s lbs bombs, I would imagine it’s BR would move to something like 9.0

but then there would be a bit of a conundrum on that BR, it would most frequently face things like:

Mig-19s, !mig-23BN!, F-86K, !Yak-38!,
!Mig-21F-13!, Su-7B/BKL, ect.

So I naturally would say 8.3 (current BR) would be a good BR considering you have things that it already faces that is already balanced:

Alpha jet A with a full ballistics computer,

A lot of G-91’s, CL-13’s, and F-86 sabers ( pretty normal for current B-57 activity.

And the SPAA at 8.3 would be sufficiently capable of taking it down since the range on GBU-1’s are pretty low and it’s a big slower jet bomber compared to ALL of 8.3,

My only worry for grb is that I think none of the tanks at 8.3 don’t have LWS,

So my final opinion “would be” the B-57B with the LGB-1s would remain at 8.3 for ARB and go up to 9.0 in GRB. For a balanced matchup. ( I chose 9.0 because it would be facing spaa that can match range.

One on each external station, so Four in total.

The B-57G is a very heavily modified -57B (has nose mounted LLTV and Thermals), it retains the 4x 20mm, and also has the option for a 20mm M197 turret (The Pave Gat program), not unlike later variants of the Cobra (AH-1).

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This is really cool, a new B-57G would give a reason to grind American bomber tree TODAY. I agree with you on the weapon placement to, it make sense that it would be an external weapon system.

AND there’s a gap between the B-57’s and the
f-105, so there’s already a spot for it!

Where can I find this type of information, is there like a website I can go to, or just the one I linked in the picture?

For the B-57G? there’s a proper USAF History document for it;

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Thank you