Dutch CV9035 NL MLU

Yeah, that’s the one I was searching for.

The first URL and the other documents regarding ABM capability and KETF procurement is really good but i will continue to investigate and dig around for more information but darn good job!

I will create a bug report once i have summarized all the findings and combined them with previous fact documents both official from the manufacturer (eg. explicitly saying all CV’s can fire ABM) along with other sources confirming the usage of KETF ammunition.

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Nice work guys !

Can you link the original article for those pictures? cant find it

It’s not online, and from the paperback version from 2014. I’ll look, but won’t promise anything.

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Gunsight of the CV9035NL tracking and shooting down drones in Belgium with KETF:

(the gunsight clearly states KETF as the used munition in the second clip with IR vision)

If the video doesn’t work: Landmacht schiet in België op drones | 03 | Defensiekrant

The CV90 gunner has received the distance to the target and the system activated the aiming aid and the 3D prediction. Although the target is not in the middle of the target, the drone is nevertheless affected. This is due to the spread of the sub-projectiles that splash out of the pattern.

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I will put out two bug reports in the bug section this evening, one containing all our evidence and previous information about the KETF/ABM for the Dutch CV90 which will be focused on both the MkIII (Older) and the latter.

The other BUG report will contain information about the DAS/LWS system. Both reports will containg documents and pictures.

Will write here when they are live.

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hm im getting error message when i try to post my bug report: Unable to save issue [EID: 7643f05bb4bec07fc534aa0f8adeebf6], anyone recognize?

still getting error, i better try again in the morning

Ah its the screenshots, i tried uploading pictures that werent screenshots form the game and then it says no or error

First bug report up for KETF “CV9035NL MkIII ABM KETF” and second is up for “CV9035NL MkIII DAS/LWS”

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For those interested:

Liked, though maybe its just me but if the DK stays how it is and the NL gets its DAS, and IRST maybe its other ammo types, perhaps im crazy but the DK has no reason to be close in BR to a vehicle with so many differences. Though compression is a serious problem

The DK should become 9.3 really, if it doesn’t get its add-on armour.

Add on armor doesnt make up for the missing DAS and irst. Additionally that would require gaijin to put the 9030 down in BR as it stands its one of the weakest IFV’s in the game. I will take my Type 87 RCV over that hunk of trash any day of the week.

most no missile ,only autocannon ifvs need to have lower battle ratings anyway

Please add [dev] as it is a dev server vehicle, otherwise they won’t look at it!

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LWS is in btw

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There is now a specific dev thread for the CV9035NL:

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Indeed LWS is in andn the KETF has been forwarded and acknowledged. Now we can only wait