Dutch CV9035 NL MLU

Apparently it’s supposed to be getting add-on armour? To be honest, I can easily see the devs making it 0.3 BR more just to screw France over.


How could i forget the danish is still lacking the frontal turret armor also

Someone said it has IRST which is blatantly them lying(gaijin) both vehicles have it

(They showed off the xray with irst on rus dev)

So france gets a slightly less gimped cv and denmark gets the most gimped…great

wait so if I understand you French one WILL have IRST ? damn, Gaijin inconsistency at it’s finest. AHEAD will be pretty good against hells at least

No ahead, i checked. So even more inconsistent

sigh. So just like there VBCI, we will be stuck with AP to deal with ka50s. That’s annoying

At least the vbci can track aircraft. I remember when the cv9030 and the vbci were both 9.0 despite the vbci being better in every way. Regardless you do have dm13 which is the aphe shell found in the 35mm spaa’s actual nuke shell if it pens a tank

Can anyone check if the dev server gave the DK IRST also?

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It gets new armour types:

  • New armour types: (both are used by the CV9035NL)
    • roofPRO composite armour
    • sidePRO composite armour

Shame gaijin wont add the armor that DK and NL use

Arent squadron vehicles meant to be special vehicles because cv9035nl now is just a overbr cv9035dk copy that has irst.

Eh its more realistic then the cv9035, also insert T80 U here where a patria model couldve been added.

For the airburst munition an extra source from TNO: https://archive.org/details/DTIC_AD1008971/page/n525/mode/2up?q=TNO+40mm&view=theater

RWMS= RWM Schweiz
TNO = Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research

The CV9035NL can also use:
HEI-(T)[3500m (self-destruct)]
SAPHEI-(T) [3500m (self-destruct)]
APDS-T [3500 m]
FAPDS [4800m] - Programmable with the same Munition Programmer : Source: Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (FAPDS)
and APFSDS-T [4000m] - Programmable with the same Munition Programmer
All are the 35mm munition of the PRTL GWI, of which the dutch have a lot leftover.

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These are great sources, i thank you for putting your time and effort into this. If you come across any more sources both for the Danish and Dutch CV’s please keep posting them.

If we could find more official documentation from the RNLA or Dutch army in general about any form of purchase or similar documents for the ABM ammunition it would be huge.

I’ll look in the procurement tables on the dutch government page.


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I found this in one of the official documents from their parliament hearing.

Kamerstuk 26396, nr. 71 | Overheid.nl > Officiële bekendmakingen (officielebekendmakingen.nl)

7, 8 en 13
Can you specify which types of 35 mm ammunition have been purchased for the infantry fighting vehicle and which company manufactures them? Can you also indicate which company is developing the ammunition that is still under development? What are the three different types of ammunition intended to be used for? For what type of operational mission are the three different types of 35 mm ammunition for the infantry fighting vehicle intended? What will the testing and acceptance process look like for the third type of ammunition? What criteria are used? Are there any cost differences between reusing existing 35 mm PRTL ammunition and acquiring new ammunition? If so, to what extent are these considered in the comparison?

At the beginning of the implementation phase of the CV-90 infantry fighting vehicle subproject, the procurement of training ammunition for education and training was considered, including Target Practice Frangible Discarding Sabot – Tracer (TPFDS-T) and Kinetic Energy Time Fused (KETF) ammunition, particularly against helicopters and dismounted personnel. Both types of ammunition are currently supplied by the company Rheinmetall Weapons and Ammunition Switzerland (RWMS). A third type of ammunition is needed to combat armored vehicles. In the coming years, the still available Frangible Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (FAPDS) ammunition from the decommissioned Cheetah Armoured Track against Air Targets (PRTL) can be used for this purpose. Due to the availability of this ammunition, the need for new APDS-T (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot – T) ammunition has decreased and does not need to be replenished for some time. The supplier of the vehicles committed to providing replacement ammunition for the APDS-T at their own expense if the reliability of the weapon system in combination with the FAPDS ammunition could not be guaranteed. Considering this risk, APDS-T ammunition is already being developed by RWMS and is being qualified according to the usual procedures.

This atleast shows that they indeed procured KETF (ABM) for their CV90

Dutch Government/ Dutch military website:

Dutch Military Paper:

Dutch www.militairevoertuigen.punt.nl

Article from https://www.destemvandeonderofficier.nl (Dutch gov funded publisher)

Article pictures

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Yeah, that’s the one I was searching for.

The first URL and the other documents regarding ABM capability and KETF procurement is really good but i will continue to investigate and dig around for more information but darn good job!

I will create a bug report once i have summarized all the findings and combined them with previous fact documents both official from the manufacturer (eg. explicitly saying all CV’s can fire ABM) along with other sources confirming the usage of KETF ammunition.

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Nice work guys !