Since day 2 after the update, the Dutch AH-64D is gone from the game for PS5 users at least, why?
How can we purchase it now?
I’m plan to take it to have some premium time to grind the Rafale, but I don’t want to take GE only…
Since day 2 after the update, the Dutch AH-64D is gone from the game for PS5 users at least, why?
How can we purchase it now?
I’m plan to take it to have some premium time to grind the Rafale, but I don’t want to take GE only…
I was wondering the same thing, it was only seen briefly and now it’s nowhere to be found. The other packs became available today and yet the Dutch AH-64D isn’t available to see on the tech tree premiums or in the store.
I’ve asked everywhere and didn’t get any answer from Gaijin’ staff…
What the…?
In the PSN Store I can only see the AH-64A GR(USA) and the Mi-35M(China) is that the case for you as well?
I can see Blackshark too but that’s all
That’s awesome the way they absolutely don’t care about what we can say/ask!
We pay thousands of € but they don’t adress any words about current Playstation issues…
I’ve not buy a Pro to play a less playable War Thunder!
Wake up!!
My guess is that it will be available when the sale ends, which is when the store get’s updated. It sucks but I don’t think they have direct control over what’s listed in the psn store. It has been hit of miss like that for a bit, although seems to be getting better as of lately. At least on Playstation it’s a thousand times better than on xbox, silver lining and all.
Still not available. I really want it. Maybe contact Playstation itself? Gaijin does not care about PSN players, i’ve send a support ticket, but it gets “solved” right away.
Solved? Really?
Jep. “We have no control whats in the PSN Store. Have a nice day”
Bam. Solved.
It’s a joke?
That’s the first time that a pack that have to be on PS Store was removed! Gaijin have not a control other it but can open an issue with them about this one missing…
Hi guys :)
Sorry, I missed the initial poke.
AH-64D (Netherlands) Pack should be available on PSN soon™ (sorry, I cannot give you exact date).
Its so sad. I really want that pack because A, im Dutch. And B, the Tiger HAD sucks! Its on Xbox, pc but someone forgot to upload it to the PSN store.
Finaly Stona has come to enlight us.
Thank you and happy new year👍
Thank you Stona. Hopefully, “war Thunder soon” means this year. Xd
Thank you sir, looking forward to getting it.
It’s all good 👌
Its online! I had to go to the browser PSN shop on my phone, and search and buy it from there, but i have it in my line up now!
Happy days!
Good find! Was able to get it and use it!