Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

We already have a Blk15 in the game even

Can you rewrite ?

China’s the only one with an MLU on live server, and it has 3 flare buckets installed.

That’s a Blk20 though

Oh, so it is…
Then there is no Block 15 MLU in WT until this one.

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so that is red part is ir flare ?

Red box = flare bucket on F-16s. [Sometimes grey, as chaff cartridges are grey]
Usually mounted 2 - 4 total, 1 - 3 port-side.
Seems like Netherlands didn’t upgrade their CM count when upgrading their F-16s.

I believe the ir flars/chaff are being indentical shape of boxes unless the chaff is longer than red ones

Meilensteine der deutsch-niederländischen Militärkooperation
1995 Aufstellung 1. Deutsch-Niederländisches Korps
2014 11. Luftbewegliche Brigade (NLD) wird in Division Schnelle Kräfte integriert
2016 43. Mechanisierte Brigade (NLD) wird in 1. Panzerdivision integriert
2018 Aufstellung des DEUEuropäische Union-NLD Panzerbataillons 414
2018 Flugabwehrraketengruppe 61 wird in das niederländische Kommando Bodengebundene Luftverteidigung integriert
2019 Das deutsche Seebataillon wird in das Korps Mariniers integriert
2023 Integration der 13. Leichten Brigade in die deutsche 10. Panzerdivision

but yes Dutch goes to france :D


I have a question about the upcoming update: why are there so few Dutch aircraft compared to Belgium’s? The Netherlands only has three aircraft, while Belgium has six. Most of the vehicles the Netherlands are getting are low to mid tier vehicles, whereas Belgium is getting nearly three top-tier jets. For example, the Netherlands’ highest BR vehicle is a 1950s Hunter, while Belgium has two F-16s under its flag. The Netherlands operated far more F-16s than Belgium ever did, so why couldn’t they be split up? The A model could go to the Netherlands, and the Mid-Life Upgrade model could go to Belgium. This would at least give the Dutch something close to top-tier. As it now stands, this update feels very Belgium-focused.

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it feels like Gaijin is focusing on Benelux things in the internet so they can explain more history so i can feel like my image below

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And now the German mains are stuck with the F-4F ICE, should have gotten the F-16AM but it is what it is.


Seden are however lacking in 10.7 to 11.3 where they have almost nothing. but they are among the top in amount of top tier ground vehicles.
Sweden are also lacking severely in amount of top tier jets where they currently have the fewest of any nation in the game.

Edited for clarity.

now i can feel the pain lacking arb and grb

They went to France because the lack of France lineups where Germany isn’t lacking. So its a historically odd choice but in the sense of the gameplay/progression it makes more sense to put it in France.

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Also why does the title sound like useless, to join belgium and netherlands to france and why luxembourg isn’t inside ?

Depends on what you consider top.
Cause if you ignore 11.7, it’s tied with Japan and China; more than Sweden [even if you include 11.7] and Britain.

Germany doesn’t need a subtree, and even then, do you want spitfires in the German tree? France makes more sense as they were on the same side during WW2, though most people tend to forget War Thunder isn’t just about top tier. That and the Belgian army is integrating itself with the French, so what do we do?


I just want to kill bf109’s with my Fokker G.1, is that too much to ask?