Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

maybe they have some purpose in this idk but I’m really curious what they’ll add now following the path of 5 lines, we’re only left with Japan (they’ll probably get Thai ground) and China because they probably won’t come up with anything for Israel, I wonder if this is some kind of seed for a new technology tree.

One way or another this should never be a limitation and determine what can and cannot get added to the game, which I cannot imagine it is but it does get used as an excuse.

Surely it’s impossible to fit in anything more when more than half the space on your screen is wasted… must be impossible to fit more than 5 lines on a screen.

Not even acknowledging that most of the icons are 50% wasted space.

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Man, everyone in here is fighting over where the sub-tree should be and stuff, and I’m just sad the Fokker G.I is the version without the 23mm cannons in the nose. :(

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8x1600RPM sounds pretty sweet to me
maybe we’ll get 23mm prototype or the Spanish/Finnish version later, perhaps even the proposed swedish variant


There are more aircraft being added over the time right?

plenty of planes already in the game that only need a slight reskin
-Sea Hawk
-Sea Fury
to name a few

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Belgian/French flight school for Alpha jets
La Teste de Buch (Gironde)

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If you see such thing, please report it on CBR site. It should be easy to fix.

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french main and i disagree.

The ground tree could be filled with light tanks and prototypes if necessary. While not being the most complete tree, it would’ve been enough to make a line up.

As for air, i wanted the f16, hence why i started grinding the US, and while belgian f16s kind of simplify my grind, let’s face it, france wasn’t the nation in need.
The MICA+M2k would have been far enough for now, and rafales would be here for “futureproofness”.

I mean, let’s get real, who needs the f16 more : the nation with what is supposed to be the most busted fox 3 of the bunch and a decent airframe, or the one stuck with a 1960’s plane strapped with FOX3s at the last minute ?

With all that being said, what’s done is done and i won’t complain more, i just hope it won’t slow down the introduction of native french design and won’t clutter the research tree & grind with vehicles with a different “usage doctrine” if you see what i mean.


And instead of the F-16s that could have gone to Germany, they get a Phantom at top tier lmao… I haven’t had a reason to play Germany in years.

You can get Argentina’s F-16’s.

Not sure the F35 is really necessary for the french tree tbh

why do we need equal player numbers?
It just needs to get people into the game.

In theory they could do it without adding new lines… with folders and specific progression, but they won’t.

In unreleated thoughts, they should work on that :)

If you’re still wondering, its just an F-16C with the name of an F-16A. Effectively.

Yeah, like 5 years from now when they’re irrelevant.

Will do. I had tried a couple times a while ago, after being told on the forums by you or someone else that naming consistency like this is considered a simple bug and doesn’t need sources (I believe this was the BV 138 C-1 initially being “BV 138C-1”), but then I had my reports closed as “not a bug” and/or “needs sources”. :(

I’ll give it another try soon.

when will the dev servers open?


I hate this mentality. Without criticism, things don’t improve. It’s why this generation is the dumbest yet - they never got punished or reprimanded.

The company makes a lot of dumb decisions and the community is critical of it.

Then there are people like you with every update that just stick with “YoU cAn JuST StOp PlaYiNg”. Many of us have invested thousands of hours just to see things continue to get worse.


Germany already have lot of aircraft in comparison, Gaijin seach players to grind more TT, therefore any claim are interesting but will not be heard.