Dunkerque discussion

That explains then lol

btw are you the real Betty ?

I am 🫡

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Nice to meet you and thanks for your videos, you got me into this game wich is, despite a few things, quite fun to play


he is the main reason i play navel only “seen” him in 1 game but he left at the start of an ec game of navel

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Damn yeah id love to play some ec with him i would have his voice in my head all game that would be awesome. Only played vs him in naval rb and oneshot him in the newly added dunkerque two times in a row. second time he was behind an island and i didn’t check properly which ship and which player it was. Felt really bad about the second one for unnecessarily (unknowlingly) bullying someone trying out a new ship.
At that point i decided i won’t grind french naval before they add Richelieu^^

My point being, considering the Dunkerque (while not having played it) besides yeah I met popular person in game (which is quite cool that it happens regularly at least to me in this game with quite small community) would be that at that point it didn’t even feel like getting lucky with my shots?

I think everyone gets some sort of feeling for that having played one of the gamemodes for quite some time in engagements “Ok, i got Lucky here, Ok, I played that engagement really well, The other person got unlucky, i had a good/creative idea that gave me the advantage or I maybe made a mistake or got outplayed or got unlucky/rnged myself”. That’s the cool part that from a lot of engagements you feel like you can learn something and maybe do something better.

Now (given, i was in the Mutsu or the Amagi can’t remember which) did it feel like I did something well? Not really, the aiming, maybe but also given the map was japanese port (you know the awesome map where all you can do in a battleship that isn’t the scharnhorst is full stop and sit angled behind or on the edge of an island) you have no choice for your positioning. Everyone’s just sitting there waiting for an enemy to try and drive out to get to the caps until the match is ended by destroyers and all the battleships were useless.

Did I feel like I got lucky? The first shot maybe, but the second one as well? -Quite unlikely. In cases you know the other guy is an experienced naval player, isnt just giving you his unangled broadside without maneuvering?
So what did i do right? Just play the better ship and the more powerful nation. Wow feelsgoodman /s.

Something like that maybe happened to me maybe one other time that i can recall and the only conclusion I can possibly draw is: Something is definitely not right about the Dunkerques damage model and if that’s not the case then I really dont get its BR placement 0.3 below the Scharnhorst, the Mutsu or the likes.
What should possibly be the incentive to have this beautifully looking battleship as a top of the line for the French tech tree where you hope it would have its own advantages, disadvantages and a different viable playstyle and tactics?
Whats the tactic in a rb match where all you can do is sit behind/close to an island where everyone else is sitting with no way out, facing ships basically at the same BR which vastly outclass you in multiple (if not all) aspects? Move out while changing course because you got good mobility being shot at by 5 static enemy bbs? Just sit with the others and try to snipe them in spawn with outclassed shells and worse armor?

Unless something (hopefully) has changed about its implementation? I really wish they could balance these ships of minor nations better and finally rework the maps so ships that cant brawl with the main bullies aka scharn, amagi, mutsu, khron but maybe use their mobility to advantageous positions also have a place in the game.

At least then people would feel like there’s some reason and viability in getting them and playing anything else besides Germany Japan Russia and maybe GB to have more variability in the game.

Well, you’re pointing out things the whole naval WT community has been screaming out loud for years and they are not specificaly bound to the dunkerque state.

-Maps/spawns are outdated and very badly designed for capital ships confrontations, (they’ve only up scaled the PT boats model but guess what, it doesn’t work …)
-Current gamemods are pointless and cap points design need to go or need to be heavely changed in their core mechanics/map location etc…
-BR compression is awfull and make difficult to play anything other than the best ships to reliably grind and enjoy naval. It’s a shame as a lot of ships have cool and interesting traits but most of them are negated by the fact that they must fight ships they shoud not in the first place.

It’s just that naval suffer from it’s unpopularity, devs don’t put nearly as much work as for the other 2 childs.

It’s very clear that if they actually massively change the environnement, a lot of ships may have very different gameplay and Dunkerque may not be forced in close combat with Scharns and Krons as much as it does today.

That said, the Dunk lacks pen to reliably deal with other BBs and BC and it sucks.


That goes for all French BBs though, Paris/Courbet with the outright worst 12" guns in the game (yes, even inferior to the Tsukuba class pre-dreadnought), Lorraine/Bretagne with the worst penetration at 6.7 for any large bore battleship cannon (German 283mm is battlecruiser armament) , and Dunkerque’s arbitrary SAP ammo.

It feels to me like Gaijin want the French “flavor” to be “bad penetration and bad armor”. Not exactly a winning combo.


They doubled down on the good stuff. and still went to 6.3 and 6.7. So playing 7.0 every match anyhow. Yay let’s grind the french tech tree.

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Just check the report, still no change in about a month. Do you guys think they actualy forgot about the report ?

Accepted reports just mean that they might one day consider possibly doing something about it. Sometimes it gets done nearly instantly, sometimes it takes years, often nothing happens at all. Though I would note that major changes to a ship’s weapons or armor mostly happen in major updates so I’d be surprised if a shell change happens outside of one.


Ok thank you for the info. I guess we will have to wait until march then.

For some context the recent bug fix on the T-34 was reported a year or more ago and it only just got fixed

It is bloody nice !!! Fastest snail of the west right here before our very eyes gentlemen. I really hope they won’t take that long to fix it, this would be very sad to see.

Heres the thing… that was a bug and it was ought to be fixed at one point. Dunkerques situation is differnt and the ap may only come at devs discretion.

Well you guys still have some hope they just rejected a bug report on the accuracy of British 15 inch guns because 1 book disagrees with known history of the accuracy of the guns

Yeah that does not look good

I have a feeling gaijin wants to keep dispersion arbitrarily connected to gun caliber and barrel length just because finding good data for dispersion may be difficult. As well as implementing increased dispersion for certain ships in some occasions (Dunkerque when firing full turret salvos had very high dispersion but normal dispersion when staggering the shots)

That being said, it’s absurd that the British 381mm/42 isn’t anywhere near as accurate as it should be. And the excuses I suspect aren’t particularly good.

Well the thing is lots of testing was done and provided in the big report and it was mostly discharged because of calculations done from a book not the actual test data