Dunkerque discussion

I assume he is referencing Sovetsky in the future.

Even Sovetsky can’t have throne. It’s having much worse module layout than even Kronshtadt.

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On paper its very scary though, very powerful guns, good reload, good speed, decent enough AA, very good armour if modelled according to plans rather than according to realistic limitations.

I am also worried about the 16.5-17" belt as for many shells, that cannot be reliably penetrated at 11-12km.

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Her armour would be only good when she had proper angling even with plans. Don’t worry.


Well Russia is not bad though

From protection analysis testing against Rodney when the armor was wrong, I found a 19 degree belt inclination was worth about a 1.32x total armor modifier vs base thickness when accounting for the ~10mm or so that the external structural plating was worth provided a shot was perfectly perpendicular. Any angle of fall of course quickly improves the value, as does manual angling. So Sovetsky Soyuz should end up with worse effective armor than South Dakota and Iowa accounting for the external plates and STS the main belt was laminated to, while Yamato will be so much better that there isn’t any real comparison to be made.

I love my country so im grinding every vehicle ;)

Will still play it in occasion, but 5.3/4.7 france is more enjoyable and usa/germany/russia/japan are WAY much better in nearly every BR from 1.0 to 6.7 compare to france

Italy is likely inferior to other nation, but slightly superior to france


Well, as you know neither Lyon, nor Alsace were even laid down. And despite all our wishes - developers still follow this rule in every example of somehow “paper” ships which are already in the game. And breaking such a rule will open for developers an infinite world of completely magic paper projects, which are H-44 and etc. And honestly I prefer current system, than to fight in my Richelieu with Shikisimas, H-44 and other unicorns

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I agree, I am waiting for Algerie for same reason) It’s also about collections

Also we have a chance that SAP Dunkerque shell will transform to AP, Admiral Bofors made really nice report about with a lot of provements, that 330mm shell is an AP shell
If it will be considered as AP, it will give us more penetration, Dunkerque really needs it

And btw I am continuing playing Dunkerque, sometimes I even take first places) And actually for me it feels way more fun, than Lorraine or Bretagne, cause at least it can move somewhere

Some simple advices - NOT to spawn the first one. Just wait when fight between BB will start.
If someone like Sharn, Amagi start focusing you, just made his life awful, make reverse angle and sail away from it, while focusing bots, heavy cruisers, BBs with less armour, and get XP with this way. In my experience if that BB, focusing you will realise he just can’t deal enough damage (and actually it’s difficult to do if Dunkerque goes with reverse angle - all crew boxes are inside the citadel, hidden under really thick deck and those 220mm of belt became impenetrable with sharp angles)
So usually that person after a while just forget about me and starts focusing some more easy and close targets

So well, every game on Dunkerque for me is like “survival” challenge, but if I am succeeded in it and even get in top places while slaying a lot of cruisers and bots - I feel satisfied. Maybe I am masochist (who of Italy/France sailors not haha) for me these maneures and active gameplay with trying to survive is more interesting than just slowly going ahead on Bretagne, without any ability to hide, to run away, to deal damage to BB and etc


Yeah, I’d rather wait and see what Gaijin’s gonna decide first. Many people seem convinced that the H39, G3 and other Montanas are definitely going to be added because some dude started accumulating a few steel beams in a hangar or hammering away at a piece of metal for 2 weeks before the project was cancelled, so supposedly, that makes it viable, somehow.

No, not sure at all this was what Gaijin had in mind. The only reason why they changed these rules was to add the never finished battleships of the Soviet navy, which were well under construction when they were abandonned. Obviously, I don’t put it past Gaijin’s… ambition… to add as many massive battleships as possible, but if that is really the case, I don’t see how the Alsace would not be anymore viable than any of the above mentioned superbattleships. Plans for the Alsace were as finalised as the Montana class, so in that regard, it certainly wouldn’t be any less of an acceptable choice. If, as I said, Gaijin’s really looking to go there.

Whatever happens in the future in any case, it is absolutely certain that we will most likely see any form of balance crumbling down little by little, especially as the cold war era comes rolling in.

Most of naval requires a massive update anyway, because the maps and the game modes are completely unfit for the warfare they’re going for. And knowing Gaijin, I’m personnally not optimistic.


I certainly doubt that. Montana has quite an extensive suite of blueprints prepared for that survives to this day, while as for Alsace we don’t even know what would have been the final configuration out of the three proposals. Only some historian’s opinion on the viability of the designs, and the likelihood of each, but nothing else.

You may be right, to be honest I don’t know enough about either of those ships. I know that in the case of the Alsace, there was some mail and studies between Darlan and the engineers at work uncovered in some naval archives called the “Potsdam archives” a few years ago, and they were giving an idea of the finalized project in 1940 that should have been started in 1941, but I don’t know enough about it. And it is certain that whatever subsists would never be as precise as the US archives.

(for info, this is the inventory of said archives (in French)

Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact that a blueprint, even a finalized one, is still a massive amount of guesswork and theoretical performances that would give only an ideal vision of the performances of these never built ships. Even the half built ships in fact, the Kronshtadt is proof of that. And if Gaijin’s willing to go so far as to put blueprint ships into the game, I absolutely don’t see why they should draw yet another line as “finalized or not finalized” ships. Especially since… well, if we put any cynicism aside, these blueprint ships would be used in priority to balance some nations or other in a battleship contest which obviously was historically unbalanced.

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As devil’s advocate, isn’t the same somewhat true for the Tillman designs? Despite being (putting this lightly) utterly bonkers in the estimated performance specifications?

As funny as a ship with 12+x16" guns, 18" belt armor and 30kn speed would be, I think the constraints of reality and economy have some objections to them.

Plus, we all know the the Devs prefer to have every tech tree with a top BR addition that is roughly in the same power level. That’s not really happening if Littorio and Richelieu are expected to fight Yamato and Montana.

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The only nuance is that Montana was never mortgaged. And this is written in the official American archives. And this is about the new Montana, not the old South Dakota type.

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Wow, I went deeper with my search and it seems you are right. Well, it’s even better honestly - Iowa, Yamato, Bismarck, Littorio, Vanguard/PrinceOfWales/Nelson Richelieu and Sovetsky Soyuz will be better to see as a top BB
Seems at least somehow balanced (except Yamato and Bismarck maybe) Though H-39 actually was laid down, I don’t think Bismarck will suffer, so Germany would like to have even more powerful H-39… but who knows

Btw I also don’t understand, why some people expect Top BB as a premiums (for example Yamato is in tech tree, Musashi is premium, Bismarck is in tech tree, Tirpitz is premium and etc)? In WT there aren’t premium TOP vehicles, isn’t it? Or I should keep my money for all top prems (i would like to have them all xD)

Gaijin said they wouldn’t introduce top tier premiums, but then they did just that with air and ground, so I wouldn’t expect them not to do it with naval.


Still no changes. I guess because of holiday time, so everything is slow now. In a few weeks time If it won’t get rejected, then maybe we’ll have a chance.


There is a change actually, the small comment underneath the “accepted” label is gone so that means they at least looked at the report another time.

Oh yeah the comment is gone. Must be recent because I been checking the report for any changes.

It could mean devs looked at it or moderator though the comment was unnecessary and removed it.

Yes I deleted my comment because it was irrelevant.