Yeah probably at normal range but even at "close range " i doubt it would have resist . I mean even the horst have been sunked thay way by getting closer with bigger guns
8" isn’t exactly battleship caliber territory though
if the following sketches are accurate, the bismarck would be slightly better at close range, both would be basically the same at the ranges battleships in war thunder fight (10-15km) and Richelieu would be slightly better at long ranges
Note that the Bismarck’s main armor isn’t angled, and that the 120mm plate seems to be angled at 68°, not enough to guarentee a bounce at point blank (although chances are high) and certainly not enough to bounce all shells at 10 or 15 km (around half in fact, if we consider a 5° fall angle)
Not like point blank range would matter that much considering the fact that a shell would have to travel underwater to hit the ammo storage on both designs anyway
68 degree not only gives high chances of ricochet but also triple times armour effectiveness, makes it about 330~350 ish armour effectiveness in general. Also it means that even with 10~20 degrees of angling can make its impact angle over 72 degree in point blank to 15 km.
Underwater shell has been severly nerfed ingame so don’t need to considerit considering Bismarck has quite deep armor.
The real problem of Bimarck class comes from that as same as Scharnhorst, she doesn’t have much space between magazine and barbette, so sharpnel created inside barbette would damage magazine accumulately(as same as how we hunt Scharnhorsts today). But it will be same for almost all other battleships except British(and maybe Littorio? I’m not sure) so not only problem of her.
@Magiaconatus and @HK_Reporter sorry to bother you again but can we know if one of you fowarded the math of Admiral_Bofors to the devs ? and if yes are they interested ?
Welp the dev serv reopened and nothing changed on the dunkerque but some visual things …
No correction mentioned either on the post forum so… yeah, that’s that then.
Naval, and French. Doomed even worse than Leclerc
I really hope they did show them the math of admiral and they just take their time and they will change something for when the update will come
im also seing that they added some icons for naval …
and idk if was in the game before but now the HE charge inside the AP and SAP round are providing more pen when exploding and the number are being showned on the shell stats
so in theory we have a dunkerque with 600 mm of pen (in theory )
That’s just penetration by the explosion of the bursting charge. You cannot add it with shell penetration together. They are two completely different things.
it’s not added with the penetration of the shell ? like the explosion is not added with the kinetic pen of the shell and it’s just it’s able to pen a 64 mm thick plate after the kinetic pen ?
It’s the blast effect from the bursting charge.
yes so if the shell is already in the armor of the ennemy it dont add like a boost if it explode inside of of armor plate ?
In the underlying calculations it never was a factor, as far as I’m aware.
No idea why now they are showing that number to the public. It seems only to add to the confusion, rather than explaining anything of value. (Seriously: I have no idea what they expect people to do with that number, when it’s so abstract for the players not knowing the exact mathematics behind the damage modelling).
We’d have more benefit from getting the information about the radars, that we get to see in SPAAGs but not in the Naval mode, lol
also im puting that on the table again but did one of the technical mod fowarded the math of Admiral_Bofors to the devs ? or is it not acceptable or was it simply refused ?
It doesn’t.
No further comments.
You’d probably would have to find and procure a document with the exact weight figures of the different parts of the shell.
but since even the devs themselves dont have any docs showing that, isnt just unfair to ask that to us and just take calculation based on the very same blueprint for them ?
plus it’s only my opinion but i find that very frustrating and sad to see that someone put a lot of work into something just for the devs to fully ingnore it for the only reason that it’s not a doc showing everything they need wihtout doing any calculation ( and by the way even them dont have … ) . i understand that they cant take everything that people give but this time it’s seems pretty solid with a descent ammount of details and yet it’s going into the abyss … i find that sad for the people who worked to try to convince the dev and especially Admiral_bofors who show a really solid piece of work .
The blast penetration of armour piercing shells has been always there in the game for years. It’s just an update to the statcard with more information displayed. There’s nothing new to the damage system.
If I am correct with sap shells if they are low velocity eventually you will get a min pen of the explosive charges