Dreams Come True: TOG II

But in the Task section is a shadow figure of the TOG II and it looks like a long barrle with a 17 lbs round muzzle brake.

Gaijin have said it will be fitted with the gun it had in real life, which is the gun you see it with at the Tank Museum (image below). That gun looks a lot like a 17 pdr gun, and everyone just assumed it was one. However recently (a year or so ago?) someone decided to stick a tape measure in the barrel and discovered that the barrel was actually 94 mm in diameter, meaning it could not be a 17 pdr gun (which had a 76.2 mm barrel). Hence it was discovered that the gun everyone thought was a 17 pdr actually appears to be a QF 3.7" 28 pdr gun.


Well, i didnt say it had the 17 pounder, (or if i did then nvm) but the clasic round muzzle brake as seen on 17 lbs gun and a long barrle, if you say its a 28 lbs gun, then nice, hope we see a 25 lbs gun someday in game to get the collection complete.

hardly the only gun that has those characteristics!

What has the 25pdr got to do with it?

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Nothing, but more big guns. ^^

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No news on a skin for the TOG yet but they do have a few options to choice from

The semi historical Bovington camo (there is pictures of early TOG 2 trials with a similar camo)


Primer Grey, very unlikely to be a event skin but could be a unlockable



There is also the iconic brown camo however I can’t find any documents linking to this




I have already fallen at the first hurdle .Failed to complete 1 action so I guess I am stuffed with all the others.Not sure I wanted a terrible landship anyway.

Can catch up with gold if you want it.

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I’ll look into it thanks.

Each stage is 1000GE to buy. So yes it’s not cheap but if you unlock the rest you only need to buy 1 stage.

I didn’t actually realise you could do that ,Thanks

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The modification with the 3" gun and female sponsons is semi historical with a mock being built in this configuration, however the mock did show a chuchill at the time




since the server are out (50% pl is unplayable), will we get extra days to grind?

I just played battle - no issue with ping nor PL.

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got a 30 ping 47-50% constant pl (my shot rendered 5 second after firing to the point i doubted i even hit my target). Yes just relaunched another game, no pl yet (although i’ve got for whatever reason 3000 fps in the menu XD)

They are historical for the TOG II, but they were dropped long before the TOG II* was made, so they are unhistorical. Other errors are that it has the wrong muzzle brake (circular holes instead of square) and it shouldn’t have a driver’s periscope. The top speed and armor stats are wrong but seem to be placeholders for now.


can i not buy the last stage? my ass has a life and i really wanted the thing. i already had to buy one stage with GE! seems a bit rude that we can spend GE for some stages but not the final!

can ibut stage 6? i already bought stage 4 but it doesn’t give an option for 6

Possibly because it isn’t open yet?

Pretty sure you can buy them all …Gaijin are generally happy to take your money!

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I was able to buy it no problem. Screenshot of the achievements list?