Dreams Come True — TOG II: The Old Gang’s Land Battleship

Go ask the museum



8.5 mph = 14 kph
So, that’s correct, isn’t it?

What is the book? Aka the historical source?

The Tanks of TOG by Andrew Hills
The citations are in the text. 37 is AVIA 11-30 Post-Script to Minister from D.T.D. by Mr. H. H. Burness, 28 March 1944

Very nice. I do hope soon they fix the sponsons so that the gunners actually are ingame. Similarly I hope they finally add the tiny change to the Sturmmorser that when a shell is fired the barrel is completely empty and the round only appears when fully loaded.


You were saying?
The 28 pounder is literally a 17 pounder breech but with a 94 mm barrel instead of the usual 76 mm. It works because the breech of the 17 pounder itself simply allows for a 94 mm projectile, it’s the barrel that limits the projectile to 76 mm.


I highly doubt a regular 17pdr (76.2mm) breech allows for 94mm shells. But it can be modified quite easily for it. Hence why they look the same.

It boggles the mind that the TOG II is at 5.3. I really don’t understand what they’re thinking at this point. In some cases it even sees cold war tanks, some heat-fs lobbers as well.

Why not just move every single vehicle in the game at a single BR at this point and be done with it, i mean, screw the balance since it’s not there anyway

The 17pdr and 28pdr had the same rim diameter of 135mm, so the breech would work on both rounds without modification.


Do we know when the TOG II will have it’s side sponsons modeled correctly with actual working gunners. The biggest blindspot at that br atm is the direct side when lightly armoured cars outflank you, and in a distance the gunners could assist in defending you they do not work at all.

A bit of a thread necro, I suppose. But I’ve seen worse.

You play the TOG II with the side sponsons on? So much better defensively to not use them at all.

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Any news on when we can expect the side sponson machine gunners to be modeled and work ingame for the TOG II?

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Probably never; most hull mounted machine guns are non functional on turreted tanks, though the rule seems to be if a tank doesn’t have a turret/machine gun in the turret, then the hull machine gun will be usable. If there is one, it won’t.

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There have been many tanks that have slowly been updated with functional hull mounted machine guns even when they have co-axial ones.

Such as?

I remember looking at which vehicles had working “hull” machineguns a few years ago, and from distant memory is was only a handful, and the peculiar thing about all of them was that he MG’s were in turrets - T-28, T-35 and M6 heavy tank (the twin .50’s are mounted in a “sort of turret”). I dont’ recall whether the Crusader Mk 1 worked or not tho.

It does, was playing it just recently to research the foldered Valentine variants

Right - well that makes all (I think) the vehicles that MG “turrets” - using a loose definition to include the M6

It is certainly about time.

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