Dreaming about a better War Thunder

Just one pixelated vehicle actually.

Not with this leadership.


Yes, I myself think Gaijin is too biased, greedy and incompetent to be further entrusted with the future of War Thunder. Either they change their ways or part ways with this game.

Me when I see F-2 Sabre and MiG-17, CL-13 in 2017 or 2018

This Game started somewhen 2012/13 though.

The game started with no focus on WW2.
There was 1950s jets present since the beginning.
When War Thunder ended “open beta” it was well into the 1970s.

I grew up in a time where games were meant for the players.

Nowdays, games are designed to satisfy the stake holders… 🤦‍♂️

Such a grim time to be a gamer.


Gaijin Entertainment is not a publicly traded company; and War Thunder is made for players, for which dozens of staff members play multiple times per week.

BVVD’s favorite BR seems to be 5.7 - 6.7 ground.

I see constant new eye candy for players to spend their money on. What I don’t see is real game improvements.

SimEC has been in the same state for years. With no improvements or fixes in sight. As long as players are happily distracted with new toys, game evolution will take a back seat.


SimEC’s improvements are relying on an AI overhaul, that’s why there hasn’t been “improvements”, cause a labor-heavy feature is being worked on.

Oh goodnes, not this nonsense again.

Here is Gaijin’s own vision for the German air tree in June of 2014.

Their vision for the future of US aviation.

Yes, the game was primarily focused and designed for WW2 aircraft. Just knock it off already.

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@Warpig said stake holders, not share holders.

Point being, that independent of what you may believe, the game is meant to generate revenue and satisfy the stake holders.


Dude, that screenshot refutes your claim.
CL13A Sabre Mk5 and Mig-15Bis, cold war jets.

You called Gaijin liars, and provided evidence of Gaijin not being liars.

"“Not these facts again, they’re nonsense. Here’s proof of Gaijin having cold war jets. Just stop accepting reality and stop refuting lies.”
No, I won’t stop.
You proved there was no WW2 focus.
And on top of that, that’s open beta. XD

Proceeds to try argue it was about jets all along because roughly 2% of the aircraft in the game/road map were 1950’s jets.

I think this is my final straw. Finally blocking you as so many others have already done.

You accuse everyone of gaslighting, but this is madness.


Well, one more Russian/fan annoyed at facts that they themselves posted…
The fact you think Russia and Russian fanboyism is the majority of the forum is funny tho.

Future reference to others: If you make a claim that War Thunder is about X, then it must have ZERO Y. Not 2%, not 50%, zero.

Still waiting Me 262 night fighter variant :/


The original straw man.