Door Gunners - The defense of all helicopters (Work in progress suggestion)

Greetings once again, today Im proposing the implementation of door gunners to helicopters ingame and future to come (obviusly the ones that can carry them).
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The concept of the door gunner originated during the Vietnam War, when helicopters were first used in combat in large numbers. The original personnel who served as early door gunners aboard CH-21, UH-34, and UH-1 helicopters in Vietnam, were enlisted men, with a designated and specially trained crew chief serving as both the aircraft’s maintenance manager and a door gunner.
For the majority of the Vietnam War, the principal weapon of the door gunner was a medium machine gun (MG), initially, a M1919A4 .30 caliber MG, and soon thereafter, the M60 7.62mm MG became the standard helicopter door armament system.
Most door gunners use some sort of machine gun such as the M60 or the M60D (a modification of the basic M60 for aircraft), M240, M2HB (M2 .50 cal), or more recently, the General Electric M134 minigun.

Why add it to the game?
Many people may think that a 7mm or .50 caliber in a helicopter is useless, but my vision with this suggestion is not for anti-tank purpouses, but for anti-aircraft.
It is very common that most helicopters do not have any way to defend against planes and other helicopters, for example the UH-1 which only has rocket pods. So this would be a nice addition to give them a chance to fight back. A good example of a 7mm for air-to-air defense is the Alouette II, which with its 4mg can pilot snipe and hunt other aircraft.

How it is going to work?
I think that a proper way to implement door gunners its like a researchable modification in the Tier I. Wich being installed would add the 2 door gunners with the mg selected (normal 7mm mg, .50cal or minigun), and show the weight it requires.
The gunners could work just like the bombers gunners, the IA will shoot automaticly to any aircraft at its range (affected also by crew training), or you could also control them manually with a 3rd person view).

Some examples of door gunners for ingame helicopters:

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Note: Im going to upload this later in suggestions, but for now I would like to see ur comments and suggestions. Also what you think about infantry mounted shooting with small caliber for defense to helis like AH-6, and chinese and sweden helis




I can walk faster than that framerate


Just give mister Strongarmed Swede an M2 Browning and call it a day

Yes why not. They have enough potential to help helicopters fend off attacker . And can act as a warning for pilot as they’re shooting at the enemy.
Infact even turret one control by gunner should also have button to make Ai able to aim and fire by themselves. Like maybe from 1000-500m that Ai will start shooting at enemy.

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Should have pilot/co-pilot shooting with an M4 in the Kiowa’s

Would love to see gau-19 on US choppers. If a chopper didn’t have an actual door gunner then it shouldn’t get one though

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An actual chance for my HE shells to fuse on the bloody heli I just shot at. +1