Does this game have SBMM?

Just curious, does this game have SBMM? It seems like all my teammates are awful every game no matter who I play. I’m not even good but I average close to the top usually. Is it just consistent bad luck or SBMM? It’s so frustrating.

There is no SBMM.

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No, you’re entirely at the mercy of the snail’s favorite system, Battle Rating


Ugh guess it’s just bad luck then.

I wouldn’t really tone it to bad luck as much as it is just the game’s system itself. It puts you with the queue with the most people in your BR but usually there’s extras in there from +1 or potentially -1. +1 is far more common though. Quick tip for uptiers in GRB: If you’re in a downtier at 6.7 a heavy tank will cost 160SP, a semi downtier is 140SP, an “At Tier” is 120SP, and any uptier is 100SP. Change the values based on base cost and that goes for any vehicle/BR.
Also on a side note, beautiful username

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Thanks. I get teamkilled alot bc of it lol

Just the usual childish behaviours from close-minded basement dwellers, never think much of it

No, otherwise it’d be only German Mains Vs. German Mains. (Equally skill issue laden)

Wish it was a lot of the time.

Gaijin says “Battle queue will be too long” but no time is too long to have a balanced game!

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Kind of - but very rudimentary and limited regarding it’s impact - as it tries to balance both teams by certain parameters, but usually this effort is prioritized behind a new game, so the lower the player numbers are, the higher the skill differences become.

You see your internal player ranking (what gaijin thinks defines skill) direct after spawn. Both lobbies are not in alphabetical order and some parameters are imho not really decisive, but if you are constantly between #1 and 4/5 right after spawn (so with 0 mission score) of your team, you are way better than the average.

Sometimes you can break the circle / spiral by switching nation AND server but as long as your relative positioning after a match will not get worse your “luck” won’t change.

I mean with ~ 20k games you have enough experience to verify this by your own observations.

Spreading fact-free opinions don’t create any benefit.

  • With some knowledge about how games are designed and which goals they have you find out that game developers try to keep players in the “flow zone” as long as possible. The “flow zone” is determined by the perfect mix of challenge & success.

  • Especially within games with in-game purchases this is essential for economic success.

  • The only parameters they have to steer the difficulty level for players are the BR (adjusted 2-3 times a year) and the matchmaker (MM).

  • Whilst the general part of the MM is used to steer nations / nation allocations and their combinations, the steering of player difficulty is mainly depended on relative success of the player and the skill level of his team - and the number of up- and down-tiers.

  • On top of that the MM is also used to trigger frustration and success at certain points either to create the demand for a premium vehicle or to create positive feedback loops after using one for a few matches.

The pure fact that gaijin does not reveal how its SBMM work does not mean that the haven’t one - everything else would make zero economic sense…