Does the ADATS deserve to be 11.7?

From playing the ADATS a lot, I find it very incapable at doing it’s job.

  • It cannot intercept air-to-ground munitions reliably mainly because it uses it’s IRST to track and cannot slave it’s sensor to it’s search radar. Because of this, you have to manually look for munitions and when they don’t give off a heat signature or have some sort of visual distinction (red flame), it is hard to spot them

  • The IRST is not an all weather system (for obvious reasons) so even through you can see aircraft through clouds, you cannot lock on to it. It’s very situational, when the weather is bad, you’ll have a hard time using the ADATS effectively

  • In addition the has trouble reliably tracking through foliage. Though a track radar can still lose lock through foliage, it does take a lot longer for that to happen and is easier to require lock.

  • The missile itself is quite good at taking out medium to short range targets (depending on speed and altitude). However it struggles at longer ranges.

  • It’s anti-tank capabilities though really good when the vehicle was first introduced, now struggles to take out tanks reliably due to more advanced era and composites. It can still take out tanks but you will be in a vulnerable position due to it’s ammo being easily detonatable.

  • What really makes the ADATS struggle is the planes it will face. Planes that can carry the mavericks and the KH29/38s will absolutely decimate this vehicle because it can’t intercept them reliably.

I’m not sure what BR it should be because too low, it will be a tank killing machine. However it’s current BR is way too high in my opinion. I’ve been playing the SU39 a lot and the ADATS poses no thread because I can easily outrange it, out maneuver it’s missile and destroy it.

I know that it’s getting a 50cal (hopefully with slap ammo) but let’s be honest, it’s only useful against slow moving aircraft and tanks

What do you guys think?


the ADATS isn’t bad, Russian CAS is just too good.

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Then fire without a lock. Sheesh man. Try out something like the Type 81 C, can’t even fire that without a lock, so consider yourself lucky in this department.

Everything but the FlaRakRad struggles a bit against long range missile attacks from the Su-25.

Ah yes, you want to track through a mountain as well?


1- Anti-air’s duty isn’t to intercept air to ground weapons. Thus irrelevant.
2- Neither is air to ground weapons.
3- Same as air to ground weapons.
4- Yes. Which makes ADATS eh at 11.7, and would be better at 11.3. Your previous 3 points are all irrelevant though.
5- K. Not relevant to its anti-air duty or its current or future BR.
6- Welcome to CAS is OP where no CAS can deal with AGM-76/KH-38 carriers.

You are coping so hard in any usa buff or ussr nerf posts xd


  1. Aa duty is to intercept any air threat either it is a plane or Air to Ground missile…

  2. air to ground weapons are all weather with thermal sights etc…

  3. air to ground weapons can regain lock without any player input such as mavericks while you have to rely on irst which drops faster then radar mostly because of it being lower then the radar mast on the SPAA

  4. it is a multiple duty platform dum dum it is aa with a td capability…


Welcome to the SPAA world.

I don’t think we should talk about dropping down ADATS while Type 81C and OTOMATIC are at 11.3.

The ADATS can’t counter Maverick + TGP planes either.

It helps with self defense. A Pantsir can defend itself by shooting down AGMs that’s what makes the Pantsir harder to kill.


I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that you haven’t played any SPAA system that uses SACLOS missile. It is much more difficult to manually guide a missile when a plane isn’t going in a straight line and especially when it’s at longer distance.

Everything but SPAA systems that have a track radar will struggle against long range missile attacks. Hell, my M247 can do a better job spotting, tracking and intercepting agms than the adats.

You’re missing the point. Tracking radars is more reliable at reacquiring lock and tracking through foliage than IRST. This is important is when you’re in a heavy foliage or hiding in a Forrest.


In my experience 2S6 Tunguska are more or less comparable to ADATS in AA duty.
So beside ADATS being Muti-role. I don’t know why 2S6 sit at 10.7 while ADATS sit at 11.7 while Pantsir S1 sit at 12.0 …
This beg the questions if we bring out the fact that type81 , OTOMATIC also sit at 11.3

You are not the arbiter of truth and neither am I, however I spend the time to make an argument, something you don’t do. Saying that “Anti-air’s duty isn’t to intercept air to ground weapons. Thus irrelevant.” is not an argument.

Modern spaa are expected to intercept Air-Ground munitions This is the truth. Let’s look at some brochures. this is what they are advertised as. You can argue about it’s efficiency but now what these missiles are intended to face.

You can make an argument that ADATS aren’t meant to intercept stand-off weapons and is used more against low flying targets but that wouldn’t help it’s case for having it at 11.7.

As for your 2nd/3rd point, AGM cannot be launched through clouds however they can be fired below clouds and can loft over them. SAM systems that have a track radar can track through clouds (to my knowledge).

The missile is good but system in which it guides itself is not 11.7 material.

The reason why I mentioned it’s Anti-Tank capabilites is because some people on the forums use that as an argument for it’s BR.

If you don’t have Russia on your team, then CAS is a problem. From playing top tier russia (not playing the pantsir but just having russia on my team), I’ve died to CAS maybe a handful of times and that was because of people not playing the pantsir or a not competent spaa player. where as playing the US, cas is a constant threat and have died multiple times. At least having Germany, France and Sweden can help.

edit: I’m gonna reply to you only once per thread because anymore, it feels like I’m talking to a brick wall. I also do this to let people know that some of the things you say is inaccurate and should be taken with a grain of salt.

ADATS should be moved to 11.3 BR. Lack of a tracking radar can be a serious issue when you have multiple enemies in the sky. Also Thermal modification should be moved to rank 2.


Yeah. I haven’t played the 2S6 so I can’t really give an opinion on it. How does the 2S6’s missile compares to the ADATS?

Adding the pantsir was such a huge mistake when no other nations have anything comparable. They should’ve gave russia the Tor.

And Yes, it baffles me that the Otomatic and Type 81 is 11.3. I can loosely see the Type 81 being 11.3 since it’s missiles are impossible to dodge unless you’re hugging the ground but it’s only good at short to medium range and cannot hit any agm munitions. The otomatic though? That thing deserves to be wherever the 2S6 (10.7) is or lower. It’s just a bigger hstvl with a search/track radar.


Keep defending USSR and hating on USA, Fury. Thanks for admitting that’s your goal with your first sentence.

1- Anti-air duty is to intercept aircraft.
2- IR tracking is not all-weather. Only radar is.
3- “Air to ground weapons have to rely on IRST, whereas you only have IRST.” First off, it’s not IRST, it’s IR tracking or IRT. There is no search.
4- Which doesn’t matter for its BR. Vehicles are balanced for what they’re best at, otherwise 2S38 would be 9.7.

Pantsir can’t hit high aspect weapon launches, which is what everyone should be doing due to ADATS and TOR-M1 alone.

So you’re going to defend ADATS for 11.7 and ignore everyone here lobbying for it to reduce in BR for actual reasons? Okay.

But yeah, keep defending ADATS for 11.7 just cause I said the reason it should be 11.3 is its weapon range, and exclusively its weapon range.

Oh look, agreement.

Oh, and adding Pantsir was necessary in early 2022, it came late in 2023, and now SPAA better than it is late as that was needed in early 2023.

Yeah, I’ve never understood why the ADATS is 11.7 comparing it to 10.3s like the Stormer HVM and the OSA being added it’s hard to understand why it’s much higher than 10.7-11.0.

The advantages It has over the Stormer HVM at 10.3

  • prox fuse
  • slightly longer range
  • radar (which you can barely use anyway because people will just instantly detect and kill you)

Advtanges of the Stormer HVM

  • double the missiles
  • smaller and more nimble
  • can scout
  • Best optics in the game

If they ever gave the Stormer the LMM, there would be no reason to ever use the ADATS.

I know I still have more success with the Stormer at top tier than I do with the ADATS, only thing the ADATS is good at is dealing with helis.


Wdym by high aspect? Like lofting missiles?

Wouldn’t this be a big deal at longer-ish distances though ?

That Stormer’s IRST is literally a drawback considering it will pick up basically anything, even friendly scout drones, making it aggravating.

If we gonna take into consideration factors that don’t affect AA performance, I think it should be fair to mention ADATS has much more effective missiles for defense against ground units. US variant even have 25mm autocannon with APDS.

Launch from above 8000 meters and Pantsir has issues detecting let alone intercepting.

Yes, but so do many other 10.3 SAMs like the OSA. Its not enough alone to justify the ADATS being 1.3 BR higher than the Stormer and other 10.3s like Strela

It should have IFF, was reported months ago, but Gaijin is dragging their heals.

Considering that neither can actually defeat incoming missiles like a KH-38, the ability to smoke and move quickly is meaningful for defence. Additionally, duck in and out of cover is a big help. Also, as both have short range, you are forced to get closer to where the enemy aircraft are likely going to be. The ADATS is huge and slow and is an easy target, but the Stormer is far more able to get in close and find a good position, maybe even middle of the map, near the “frontline” to attack from, which mitigates its short range.

My experience with the ADATS missiles for Anti-tank work is that they barely work, usually needing at least 2 per target, considering you only have 8 missiles (16 with the ammo crate) that is a lot of waste ammo. You also have to expose yourself fully to use them normally, so they are only valuable for self defence, but even then starstreaks can kill any light tank and even a few MBTs with a well placed shot. Britains does not have the autocannon.

I mean if the enemy is directly above sure but the Pantsir has the best vertical radar gimbal limits. I don’t think I’ve ever once not detected an enemy above me in a Pantsir.

The ADATS missiles also don’t fly straight, they kinda spiral which makes aiming at specific spots difficult. Like aiming for the roof against a hull down enemy.

People always mention the ADATS’s anti tank capabilities but you never see an ADATS in game actually kill tanks consistently. Like the missiles are decent but the platform definitely is not.

Yep, not used it much, but I’d typically have to hit a tank with 2 or 3 missiles to score a kill. With the amount of ERA, they just arent effective enough and no more effective than many ATGM launchers found as low as 8.0. Like the Striker.

Id move it to 10.7 and put it back to being a ATGM slinger and move it to the Warrior line. Then add a new SPAA for top tier Britain.

US is tricker because of the autocanon but id barely place it much higher