I play with a Panzer IV, against a Stuart, and the American destroys me, drills frontally, laterally, etc., in 2 shots I am dead.
But if I play with a Stuart, I can’t even damage a Panzer III, much less a Panzer IV
This is just an example, it occurs in all BRs.
They give excessive advantages to players without talent, who are not going to develop the game. They enable them to take 5 more shots than any average player because they PAY.
In the end War Thunder is PAY TO WIN. If it were, great, but they make stupid excuses like the location of the server. A 90mm cannon should do damage equally whether we are playing next to the main server or in Patagonia.
Give other types of advantages to the premiums, not an advantage where you can’t do anything against an M24 that bounces the shot to an IS-4, it’s ridiculous.
But since there are still stupid people playing this, Gaijin doesn’t say anything, he just limits himself to making Match Making excuses, when in reality all they do is give advantages to the Chinese (from China) and the North Americans (from the USA), and I’m not talking about the nation of the game, but about the nationality of the players.
If you pay to win, they are no good for playing. This game will be filled with rats, people who cheat and one of the most realistic games that could have existed will end up dying, but due to the incompetence of its creators or foolish interests, they will lose prestige.
If there are any Chinese reading this: LEARN TO PLAY WELL, then pay your premiums. Paying to win is for rat people.