Do you think the Object 279 should go up in BR?

I haven’t blacklisted anyone, do you not see the players on your blacklist ever again in the match once you blacklisted them? is that how it work? because I thought it only make them unable to DM you or something like that

Except for the fact every 9.0 is superior to the 279 in speed, ammo, and some in armor.

Yeah it just means you can’t see their DMs/messages.


Lol then it’s pretty pointless to blacklist anyone seeing how their main intention is to not ever play with the person with a tank they personally find too hard to deal with, like what bruh lol as if anyone would bother texting them like they are some kind of celebrities :S

Shit is weird

I blacklist people that post toxicity in chat, that’s about it.

i dont know why war thunder is fucking BR changes so much, for me i think they should bring the OBJ 279 back to BR 87 in my opinion now i think war thunder should lower it cuz its gonna face tanks with APBC and rockets and thats just fucking unfair. if your reading this war thunder please fix this!

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obj 279 maybe have a APDS or HEATFS

Run a protection analysis with a char25 against the 279. It can’t even pen the sides….

They raised its br? Finally. Good riddance I say. Now the can experience a fraction of the pain we experienced fighting them. Not fun to get stomped eh?

Won’t change a thing really
Most of tanks even at 9.0 still have relatively thin armor

yea but now it faces apfsds more commonly which is huge. Tanks can actually pen it now

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what the problen ? down object the 8.7
me testing all 7.7 kill the object and yes kill all 7.7 no problem dont hard
and watch you vhen object 9.0 unusable the object vs T72 no good and leopard 2A4 and abrams
and the object old event tank dont change Because that’s not what people fought for
do it back to the old one
IS-7 is better than object, it hasn’t been modified either, and why ? Its armor is much better and it is not shot through by 7.3 and 7.7 tanks
Put the object back to its old way and learn to play against it


And turm is pretty easy to shoot an object

And when I read this through, it’s sad
Learn to aim and play, move and there will be no problems
You have to learn what tanks are capable of and play against them, not complain here and destroy an event tank and other tanks, the STV 103 is not even to say useless because before I can shoot, my gearbox is fired and I can’t aim, and I got all the tanks, I know where the tank belongs and it shows in my stats
And my Object 279 stats are because there are a lot of premium players out there, and they don’t even know what they’re doing, I don’t even understand why they’re buying the high-ranking premium