Do you hear the lowing of a dying cow

After the Seek & Destroy update in the hangar and during gameplay, a sound similar to the bleating of a dying cow can be heard at random times. Looks like someone programmed after a good smoke.

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idk what you are smoking, but hand some my way


Lmao. It’s dying because the troops in the hanger took away its bananas XD

That or one of the AI tanks in the background shot it on the firing range

Do you have the music on or what?

I sat in my hangar at full volume and the only thing that someone slightly comes close to fitting the description is a generator or something and a crow

No idea what youre hearing

No, I switched off all music, speech and etc trash. Only other players engine volume (100) and a little gunfire (20). I understand it’s advertisement of last update, but the sound (Let’s say a very poor imitation of a jet engine, more like a cow bleating) is obnoxious and distracting when you’re trying to locate your opponent by the sound of the engine and suddenly here’s this crap sound, so I’m saying the programmers are screwed or dumb - you could suffer this crap to only be heard in the hangar, but you can hear it during battle too.
Also - hangar sound effects are switched off, but this sound ignores it.

Now I suddenly want cows in my hangar

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There is no cow level

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