Do we still matter?

I’m beginning to wonder if Gaijin either takes naval players for granted or actively hates us.

We were promised a new event cycle (tank, plane, ship) and they couldn’t even make it to the second cycle before they just skipped the ship entirely.

Then we are treated to copy/paste ships as our reward for grinding out the event while the other events get at least unique (if not good) vehicles.

Finally, for the battle pass, we don’t even get ships anymore. We get a coupon for some throwaway ship they’ve designed and forgotten years ago.

Why all the hate or indifference?


Nobody plays naval. It just does not make sense from a financial standpoint to add naval vehicles that nobody will spend money getting.

I wonder why


This simply isnt true, and you have disproven your own point in the next sentance:

And yet every update we get multiple new naval vehicles, with new models… the last update we literally got a whole new tree of naval vehicles.


Playing naval is sitting behind Islands and shooting from spawn to spawn, sometimes a small ship cap the A point, so one side can win. Paper, scissor, rock, you get clubbed by the higher BR’s, like it was with the USS Brooklyn, Admiral Graf Spee and so on. The damage models have not improved; today you can simply shoot down the entire crew without sinking the ship. Many were also put off when they simply did not want to change the economic values. You simply earn nothing in this mode and have to farm your SL elsewhere instead. Especially, the ridiculous repair costs make it more difficult to get on a green branch at all if you only want to play naval. What particularly shocked me at the time, but also snubbed me, was that the Italian Navy was not given the same attention as the British Navy, instead Starfighters were included, and the Italian Navy was positioned as a marginal phenomenon with a closed beta. The introduction was now about Starfighters and no longer about the Italian Navy. That’s a good way to alienate your players, and they did a good job of it. I wonder how they’re going to make up for it?

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The only thing I disagree with is your SL earning comment. I make far more playing naval than any other mode. You can make tens of millions just playing 4.7 U.S. destroyers for a few days for example.


I thought that of naval as well when I first started playing it, but then I discover naval EC and now I almost exclusively play that instead

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becasue maps are to small most ships are innacurate AI controll SKR-41 wipes out planes in there spawns its not even funny how bad naval is

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dreadnoughts from ww1 like vonderton or hms dreadnought fight lets say the scarnhorst or kronschdat which is not a real ship is completely no fun eras of battleships should be more seprated


Imo the progression is too slow. Rewards feel ludicrously small.


I would play that if I had a means of retaliating against Bravy and Douglas captains sniping me from a good 15km away, at a range where there’s bugger all I can do with 4.5/5in/130mm/other guns

Give the U.S. destroyers a try if you haven’t. They can definitely deal well both those and the annoying SKRs.


I have Moffett for when I need to print some money. Iirc I quite liked the Mitscher too.


Naval as of right now is fundamentally boring and slow pace. It doesn’t attract existing or new players because why would anyone wanna play a game mode with no strategy. If all you do is travel in a straight line, mindlessly clicking you mouse, then of course it’ll be dull.

Wanna bring a plane? Don’t bother because you’ll probably won’t get past the ai bots with extreme accuracy. It’s not like GRB where you can make an impact toward the game. At best you will take down one ship before getting sprayed down.

Wanna have awesome naval fights? too bad, a single pt boat can decide the fate of the game.

Wanna play your favorite battleship? too bad! you gotta grind though the same boat (with small variations) 2-3 times.

There’s a lot of things wrong with naval however we don’t have enough people to cause a ruckus and there are people within our own community that doesn’t see the current implementation of naval as an issue.


The experience of playing naval

Spawn in then 10 seconds later 3 people focus firing on you.

Manage to get enough kills to get a plane to spawn in. Every AA on every shit is now shooing at you.

You managed to get 4 kills awesome here is 2k RP and 10K SL only 5,666 battles to go to get to the next rank.


Submarine spawn point has benn found in 2.38 dev server file.I think gaijin has started to consider how to attract more people to play navy.But I doubt if this will work.


I’m not sure spawning planes is helpful in naval unless you are playing a BR where you can spawn a PE-8 and drop giant bombs or you can spawn something like an F-84 that can cause chaos and is difficult to shoot down.

As far as spawning in, I found that’s it is very helpful to wait 30 seconds to a minute before spawning. You will very rarely be targeted for quite a while as people become completely fixated on the first ship they target. So you have at least as long as it takes for that ship to be destroyed to do whatever you want. Even after that happens, there will be ships closer than you to the enemy and, in my experience, players target the closest ship regardless of how dangerous you are or how much you’ve been tearing up their team.

even that is hit and miss. you have to get the bomb practically right next to a ship (and in my experience, even 12000lb bombs right next to a ship aren’t enough)

it’s not like tanks where a large bomb in the ballpark is good enough

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That’s true. I find it much easier at those lower BRs to get things on target. The only other way to be effective is with something fast enough to not get hit.

With the large bombers, I usually take the time to get to altitude, but that’s only because when I jump in a plane, I know I’m not going to be doing anything else the rest of the match.

Nothing was skipped, it was simply moved because they wanted a D-Day-specific tank event alongside the D-Day anniversary. We’ve already passed all this and have gotten exactly what we would have gotten without this swap, it was just “out of order”.


Good. All time-locked vehicles, if they must exist, should be “copy paste”. Unique vehicles belong in the tech tree, or at worst as permanent premiums.


Once again, false. The battlepass will be rotating the crate between vehicle types, just like events. This also means fewer time-locked vehicles being added, which is good.


For previously unobtainable content, which reduces FOMO. This is, once again, good.


This whole thread is rather bizarre really; Naval has been getting plenty in the way of ships and most definitely QoL improvements in all the patches this year.