Do we still matter?

Tbh, I literally only play RB EC and it is alot better imo

I only complain when I get a team full of people like yourself spawning in destroyers while the enemy team has full control of two cap points that are in the coastal area. But at least it sounds like you actually move in your destroyer, unlike those who just sit in spawn, so bravo. Compared to ground battles, naval just has an issue where people ignore the objectives and just sit around shooting at what their range finder tells them to. I had one guy earlier, his reasoning for the team losing the battle is that he couldn’t kill enough of them (while static in spawn all game) - while the enemy had control of the deciding cap point not even 1KM away from him. It’s quite pathetic.

Yeah, with the imbalances of what nations are prepared to bring coastal at those BRs, it just throws the balance out having it that way. They either need to promote coastal and make it more accessible, or just change the maps altogether.

Survivability of Pr.206 is quite shit, I’m finding. Yeah, it melts pt boats and the like, but if you take damage and catch on fire, good luck putting it out even with the fire extinguishers. So you can do a great lot to a Pr.206, the question is can you do it without getting melted first? Lets not act like the Pr.206 is a Yamato. I don’t blame you for feeling that way, I also had an image of the Pr.206 before finally grinding it. I knew it had downsides, but I didn’t know the extent. It’s a beast, but it makes me appreciate how good Germany is in coastal, tbh.

To be fair. The score system kind of sucks. Like 90% of score is made from kills. Hitting targets, assists, and capping doesnt give nearly as much.

If people want to grind, it pushes them to focus only on kills. If going to a cap will cost them a kill or 2, they wont see a reason to do it.

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When both sides have coastal forces the caps change hands often and the kills are a plenty. Hence why I usually grind these naval events using coastal, despite having access to multiple CL/CA/BB. Lower BRs are fine, such as 3.0-3.3, especially for nations like Japan. It’s only when there are a lack of coastal vessels in higher coastal tiers that the score can dip. But if we want to speak of score in naval, lets not act like there are not a whole bunch of destroyer and cruiser players that can be confused with being bots because they’re walking away from the battle with minimal score. Usually it’s only a couple of players in the team that are making bank, so your issue extends to blue water as much as it does coastal. And really, that coastal player ground out 200-300k rp for that coastal vessel, so he is more often than not going to have bluewater in his line-up already. I have 4 destroyers and 2 air with my Pr.206. I’m less concerned about score rather than teams simply ignoring the objectives - I want to get that W.

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Not sure how well it translates but when playing battleships, i can spend a match damaging ships and getting decent damage but end up with less than 600 score.

True. Kills are much easier with coastal which makes them easier to grind events. This does also help point to the issue of scores where kills are most of what matter. Gets worse at battleship levels where ships can take a lot more punishment.

Yeah. Some people just care about score and some care about winning. Put them on the same team and no one is happy.

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About to unlock yet another one in the next couple of days



Will give it a spin, and see how 7.0 is this time around. It was either the Baden or Mississippi where they totally borked HE damage and even the largest ships were just melting to small caliber HE. Seems everytime I jump up there they have a new damage meta that no one is happy about.


I remember that. 120mm HE one shotting a battleship was kind of funny.

Currently, it seems to be ammo racking via fires. I guess they made water almost fully stop AP rounds so you cant hit just below water line and hit ammo. And scharnhorst is still being scharnhorst.


naval is the only section that has gotten progressively worse since the first beta

all the rest have good coders and reasonably good ideas for most upgrades and have consequently become more and more enjoyable and playable

sadly naval has none of that and even made a huge advance towards hopeless when they brought in the ’ new ’ voice warning system … seriously that must gave been done by some heads girlfriend …

despite that i still enjoy playing lower tiers coastal and the daily medium challenge of blue water

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Just played a few 7.0 matches and it was awful, ngl. Granted I was using Mississippi with its reload. But I do remember the AP shells actually doing something in the past, but i felt like I was a pea shooter, my shells were hitting but doing nothing. Meanwhile a Sharnhorst just rolls around not giving a care in the world. Got more fun out of nuking planes with the Des Moines. Might give Baden a spin.

That sums it up. US AP does seem to do much of anything and the scharnhorst just does whatever it wants.

The baden’s AP has been doing damage so it might not be a bad choice. you still wont kill a scharnhorst though.
Had one sail right past my baden less than 3km out. he ate my AP solvos for only damaged turrets and ammo elevators. no fire or anything. He sailed past and ignored me

Yeah, my first game stock in Baden using semi-ap:


Totally different experience. I don’t know if it’s because Mississippi has half the country exposed on its deck, while Baden is a ghost town with hardly any AA, but people just didn’t want a bar of the Baden, while it felt like the entire enemy team focuses you when you spawn Mississippi, including escort ships.

Multiple of my kills was simply setting the main gun ammo rack on fire:


Wondering if this is the HE-meta still, or whether AP would have popped him also in that instance. Either way, much more enjoyable experience using the Baden so far. So I’m taking back my bad words about 7.0 for now :p

It seems to be HE-filler meta. HE wont do much and AP with less HE-filler, like US rounds, wont do much.

Because hitting US BB turret wells sets fires in them, and that fires quite often spreads down to the magazines. Almost as easy to pop american BBs now as it was to pop japanese 14in BBs previously by hitting their bow superfiring turret at the waterline.

In contrast Baden has turtleback armor which is ridiculously overtuned in this game, so killing german BBs is a slog of draining their crew little by little. Much better to focus the easier targets and get kills than waste time pounding away at german turtlebacked BBs and risk ending up with nothing after someone else nicks the last few percent of crew with his first salvo and steals your hard-earned kill.


I dont need to

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You clearly are so goodbye.

Now thats a cope

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