Do we need Regional Pricing?

$70 USD is a ludicrous amount for any digital unlock. Gaijin should be ashamed especially given that over half of those packs are copy/pastes of vehicles already implemented in game. I will never, ever buy them for that price.

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I guess you haven’t checked out what some pixels are worth in other games huh ? :D

Doesn’t matter to me, I’m not playing those other games.

It’s not even expensive for those of us in American poverty either.
But yeah, for those making $350 a month… oof.
My $963 a month goes a bit further for digital goods after my minor expenses.

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And yet, in this “poor” countries you also see lots and lots of Mercedes, BMW… on the street, with young guys sitting in there obviously coming straight from the gym and bejwelled girlfriends…
i do not recall a BMW being sold cheaper there.

And they are the ones buying stuff in the game, not the average worker. No matter where.


ooooooo it’s the andro tate shill.

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probably in the top two thingies, i wish to rot before i lose any ability to ruin my mental state with this game

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It’s objectively just poor value, regardless if you make a $100, 1000 or a 10.000 a month.

Most americans and europeans are so priviliged they dont even realize they are privileged.

People wanting regional pricing for canada here, just lol, one of the richest and highest development countries in the world, while here in Turkey %50 of people earn 380$ a month

It is not just about Turkey either, many countries are similar in asia and south america


Even that is fancy compared to what some earn in places further into Asia


they overworked the online shop, multiple i know tried but didnt work anymore

even if i was like determined enough to try it which im not really at this point - i wouldnt get far i guess so thats nice

The $70 plane lasts longer than concerts, drinks, or other activities that require travel.

It is not worth getting your account permabanned

that would probably make my bpd not trigger as much daily so i dont exactly see any negatives apart from sudden massive bouts of depression cause the autism project i have is gone

Those activities also offer an actual experience, $70 for a skin is ridiculous and beyond full triple A games.

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Move to turkey 🙂

And he will earn much much less, unless he can do his job in zoom meeting online

At least the salary wont be as bad as my country’s. Average salary is just 70 dollars(It’s much higher(around 350$) if we exclude the rmg workers)

You forgot the part where those people got their money. Most of them got their money by corruption or illegal activities.