Will a TOW-2B proxy on a helicopter? Im wondering if I can use them if I see a heli.
I’m pretty sure it will
Do you think it will activate if my missile is to the left or the right of the heli? Or does it only fuse when there is something below.
Short answer, no, only for ground vehicles.
I had the same question a long while ago and checked the game files, turns out proximity fuse can be configured for several use cases, being air, ground vehicles, munitions and the ground itself. TOW-2B only has proxy fuse for ground vehicles, so it will not work for anti air purposes.
Here is how the TOW-2B’s proxy fuse configuration looks like in the files:
Will it in-game?
Should it?
Probably yes, from a realism standpoint.
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what do russian missiles with ground unit fuse look like? I’d be surprised if detect dead units was set to true