Distinct "PHX" marker instead of generic "MSL" for AIM-54 active seeker on RWR

Electronic warfare is a very dynamic field anyways.

Just because an RWR can distinguish between different signal patterns (different radars) doesn’t mean it will have the signature for all radars in existence in its database.

That country has to actually have electronic warfare / SIGINT units (either in air or on the ground) near the area where that aircraft / radar operates, to record its emissions and essentially “fingerprint it”, and then add it to their aircrafts’ RWR’s database.

But in the game, for obvious reasons (for one the fact that it’s a very dynamic thing IRL), the developers assume that if an RWR has the capability to classify emitters, then it also gets a complete and flawless fingerprint database in the game.

So as far as ARH missiles go, the important factor is not the plane’s RWR. Any RWR that can classify emitters / radars should be enough.
The important factor is actually the missile itself. I.e. the signal pattern of AIM-54’s seeker has to be different enough from AIM-120’s seeker.

Well, given the time gap between AIM-54 and AIM-120 it’s very likely that their radars’ signal pattern is different enough for RWRs that can classify radar type to distinguish between them.

And for other ARH missiles such as R-77, obviously their signal pattern is different enough from AIM-54 for RWRs to distinguish between them.

Again, multipathing isn’t the only way to defeat them. Also there are other ways of identifying if a Phoenix is headed towards you like looking with your eyes. Phoenixes have smoke trails that last for 26s, once you get a missile alert warning seconds later you can assume that its a Phoenix headed towards you, if you don’t have a missile launch warning then play safe and go defensive.

Thanks for the advice, but the whole point of this suggestion is so that you don’t have to go defensive e.g. against an AIM-120 / R-77/ … that you can much more reliably defeat using the multipath effect.

Unless this is realistic this shouldn’t be added. You’re almost at top tier, you should already have the game sense to assume what was launched towards you. You should also know how to not put yourself in a position to resort to only using multipathing and heave breathing room to notch or go cold or defeat the missile kinematically.

Like what’s next? You’re gonna ask for labels on missile diamonds to tell if the missile has IRCCM so you know how many flares to drop?

Well, distinction between AIM-54 and things such as R-77 or PL-12 is basically almost definitely realistic.

The main unknown factor is whether AIM-54’s and AIM-120’s onboard radar have different enough signal pattern.

That’s a poor comparison.
I’m not asking for new mechanics.
I’m asking for missile fingerprints in RWR databases.
As I have explained here the devs already assume all RWRs (that can classify emitter type) have a complete and flawless fingerprint/signature database.

And it’s virtually certain that missiles such as R-77 or PL-12 have different signatures compared to AIM-120 and AIM-54.

The only point of uncertainty here is whether missiles such as AIM-120 have different enough signature from AIM-54.

Given the gap in time/technology between these two missiles, it’s very likely that their signal pattern/signature is distinguishable from each other.

So assuming at least the aircrafts with RWR that can distinguish different radars can get this feature?

Is it? You want an identifier on missiles so you know which type of defense is best through the RWR am I wrong?

One thing I’m confused about is why you’re concerned with the Phoenix in particular. Planes that get RWR that can identify different radars don’t see the Phoenix as a threat unless you’re intentionally flying like an idiot.

Not “at least”.
“Only” aircrafts with RWRs that can classify radar types can get this feature.

Not on the missile.
On the RWR, and only when the missile goes active.
That’s basically RWRs job.

BTW now that we are making poor comparisons:
How about we remove RWR altogether? RWR seems like a handholding mechanic. Remove RWR altogether and have people stay defensive all the time.

I don’t think you even understood what this suggestion is about.

This suggestion in a nutshell and explained in simple language:

You can defeat missiles such as AIM-120 and R-77 using the multipath effect.
This is advantageous compared to notching (or going cold etc) as it lets you stay offensive.

But this method fails against AIM-54 (due to the large warhead and splash damage).

Because there is no distinction on the RWR between various types of ARH missiles:

1- You either have to forgo using the multipath effect to defeat ARH missiles.
2- Or die every once in a while, because the missile coming at you was the odd ball AIM-54 and not a “small caliber ARH” such as AIM-120 or R-77 or PL-12.

Your argument of “you can defeat AIM-54 using other methods” is irrelevant here.
The point is that you can’t reliably defeat the AIM-54 using multipath. And because you can’t reliably know what type of ARH missile is coming at you, you have to either not use multipathing at all or die every once in a while to a AIM-54 that you thought is a e.g. AIM-120 or R-77.

you cant think what will come from F-14 and F-15 for example? theres no sense to add this not realistick stuff
ah, you tried to state that IFF on RWR is reaslistic, all comes into place

Except you can defeat a Phoenix while staying on the offensive by out maneuvering them which is harder to do against missiles like the AMRAAM or R-77.

Its extremely easy to tell if its a Phoenix launched at you. Just look with your eyes. Pay attention to your RWR if an F-14 is pinging you. You have all the tools in the world.

Is it burning for a suspiciously long time and you’re not getting an immediate RWR warning?
Probably a Phoenix.

Was it a shorter burn time and you didn’t get an RWR warning right away?
Probably a ARH that’s not a Phoenix.

Nice off-topic ad hominem

But just to show what an uneducated kid you are:

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If an RWR can accurately detect what missile is locking it, then sure, add that to the UI, but not for every RWR just because phoenixes are annoying (which is the intent I get from this post).

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And if both an F-14 and F-18 (APG-55) were pining you?!

That’s a very niche scenario
In real matches a mix of many missiles are gonna be launched from a long distance away, and by the time they get close they are all long burned out.

It’s not a matter of particular RWR, but a matter of missiles.
I.e. RWR is not the determining factor here, the missile seeker is.
I explained it in more details here and here.

theres not stated thay it works by identefication of all planes by freq/etc, might be just like other NATO RWRs, like AN/ALR-46, so, only target type, not country that operates it.

Who cares how it works?
It can tell friend from foe.

If enemy is operating the same radar type, you can always change your own radars’ PRF a little bit to make it distinguishable from the enemy planes.

AN/ALR-46 also can, but only by plane types, like MiG-29 and F-16

prove that.
page you provided - nothing in that case.

Did you provide any proof on how it tells friend from foe?!
Plus, if you want mindlessly realistic IFF then Soviet and NATO planes that play on the same team shouldn’t be able to IFF each other …

BTW, this is all off topic as I have told you already.
Have some forum etiquette and make a new thread if you want to discuss RWR IFF.

theres no proof on that.
same as RWR have IFF based only on freq

Why not? just dont put WP and NATO planes in same team.

Or we can have proper game design
You already have planes from opposite sides in the same nation … e.g. F-16 MLU in China.

Then how do you have the face to ask for proof on the counterclaim when you have no proof for your own claim?

And no, it’s not only based on “frequency”
There’s much more to a signal than just “frequency” …

Also stop the off-topic
Go make a thread if you want to discuss RWR IFF.