There’s the Thai tanker manual for the VT-4 that shows the maximum fire rate of the main gun to be 9 rounds per minute, which translates to 6.7/6.5 seconds. VT-4 shares components with the 99A so it isn’t far-fetched for the 99A to share an autoloader with the VT-4.
Reload is said by Gaijin to be a balancing factor anyway, such as the Stryker MGS having a 7.5 second reload when irl it can reload in 6 seconds. With the state of CN top tier tanks, I don’t think a reload buff is an unreasonable request.
But Gaijin (mainly its main developer) would say this: If the Kytay ZTZ99A and VT-4 are getting a buff to their autoloaders, so are the T-72B3 and T-90M
Which is nonsense becuase the 99A doesn’t have the exact same autoloader as the previous generation; upgrades took it to 9 rounds instead of 8 per minute. The russians just made one that accepts longer rounds for their tanks.