Discussion on ZTZ99A model errors in game

Not sure if it’s going to Premium or Squad. But considering how greedy the devs are, definitely Premium (Same price as the one in Russian Premium TT btw)

guys in the new trailer they show ztz99a, maybe they fixed it?

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Doubt. Probably shown as OPFOR MBTs for the SPAA, which is, according to leaks, is HQ-17 (new top SPAA, nice)


Hq-17 is better than pantsir

If it continue suffering from Tor issues (like not being able to engage targets within 1km and being able to attack only 2 targets simultaneously) I doubt, but IIRC it got better missiles so chasing targets on tops should be easier

I’m coping so hard
It might be a sign, idk.


not really. It’s 15km, so with lasting longer booster, and should be a little faster, it should have the best mobility range. but the smoke and relatively low speed will be a problem. Pantsir is op because long range unpredictable fast attack

better rockets than pantsir I think also radar maybe better

they are not same type, Pantsir is short lasting booster with fast speed and bad mobility, and TOR/HQ-17 is long lasting booster with slower speed and good mobility. so the rocket is not comparable.
Radar won’t make that much difference, the fire control is good enough in Pantsir, a better won’t make much difference in game currently.

I hope they will fix ztz99a.

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If not its really stupid thing idk.

It was already this way before.
It’s not anything new, this bias.

its pure suffering when they will fix this?


When they will get benefits from it

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Even if benefits are good, they will still refuse to fix those bugs. Chinese Top Vehicles are always nerfed on purpose to make them look like a bad version of Russian vehicles

99A and VT-4A1 are just sad.

Reload is the slowest at top tier, and the APFSDS does not make up for it.
99A at least has mobility, VT-4A1 has mediocre mobility.


That APS doesn’t help the VT-4 either, since lots of missiles are fired from the system’s dead angles


its just very sad

sad for Chinese mbts,gaijin really messed nearly every unique chinese mbts.They dont care its model is totally wrong in everywhere.Its Steering gear and ammunition loader are both too big than reality.If you check youtube insider vedios,you can clearly see they are smaller,and this issue is also relatived to another issue,thats Chinese mbts crews are all made too big,which makes its hard to put them in the true model of Steering gear and ammunition loader,so gaijin just keep wrong and big Steering gear and ammunition loader and big crew…


such a bad big hole for chinese mbts,and imagine people still crying Chinese mbts is op with this totally worse protection than even Forum garbages M1A2