Discussion on ZTZ99A model errors in game

Why haven’t these errors been fixed yet?


I can understand fixing the modelling errors for Chinese TT needs time, but why would Gaijin not even like to do some copy-and-paste work like adding APCBC for PLZ-83.

At this point they are probably holding off all of the modeling changes since they have to implement spall liners and the the new internal modules.

This error is very fatal in the game, as it greatly weakens the tank’s combat capability. This error makes China’s main battle tank bolt more fragile than other main station tank bolts in the game. Moreover, China’s main battle tank has the longest loading time in the game, which directly leads to its vulnerability.


We need to correct the modeling errors of the Chinese vehicles pointed out by the player,this is a reasonable request for all Chinese players.ZTZ99A and VT4 are the worst tanks for this BR.But gaijin still don`t pay attention to the voice of Chinese players ,which is discrimination against some player.


If those tank are not modelled properly i agree that they should be fixed (especially because china Is One of the Nations i’m planning to grind)
But are you aure those are the worst mbt at their br? Because beign worse than the Ariete Is hard to believe

I would more than certainly state so, but only given the right conditions. In urban maps, the C1s with their 8-12x optics can hardly search and fire at all, on the other hand, at this range the weakspot of ZTZ99As became very noticable and everyone did learn to shoot them in the LFP as well. In a standoff against Russian designs, the C1s will be proven more successful as CL3143 already has a chance at penning critical weakspots, but against strvs and L2s, the ZTZ do have an adavantage for using ATGM, which no one brings. At the end of the day, the C1 handles a lot smoother and thats what matters for most players.


I agree with both hands, well done我双手赞同,希望ztz99a的问题能够修复,希望中系的内衬也能尽快出


I agree with both hands, well done我双手赞同,希望ztz99a的问题能够修复,希望中系的内衬也能尽快出,希望中系的其它问题也能得到妥善处理


I agree with both hands, well done我双手赞同,ztz99a的问题应尽快修复

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i am agreed


if it isnt russian, it wont be fixed fast lol

This is a very serious modeling error, it very much affects the strength of the carrier, I just hope that Gaijin can fix it as soon as possible


It doesn’t need to be. Gaijin has acknowledged the report which means we will get the fixes eventually. As long as the vehicles are fixed in the end, I am happy and I think many others will be too. Until then, I will just not play Chinese top tier, since the VT-4A1, ZTZ99A and WZ1001 are all affected by this.

I do also hope that we can get a post like this discussing the VT-4, though, since its problems are even more egregious.


I think it will be created soon, which will take some time


Good to hear!

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The most important thing is in Warthunder Chinese MBT have so obvious weakness. I can say that in top tier Chinese MBT is the most simple enemy, easy to destroy.
I have fully developed US/RU/SW/DE/CN ground and air tech tree. CN top tier armor are so unreliable, even WW2 tank can kill you.
Besides the design problem ( chassis height/weak left and right side), what unacceptable is the model issue. Something make the tank worse than it should be.
The most significal one is breech block protection, the wrong model and wrong data make Chinese MBT so easy to be disfunction. Cannon breech block get black once you see enemy is the very common situation when you play Chinese tank.


Did anything get fixed on devserver? Did anybody check?

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Nope. Nothing has changed. Other than a nerf by modelling the autoloader.
Of course - every Chinese tank dies instantly when shot in the LFP so it’s not like there was any survivability to begin with that would get affected by adding a large autoloader that makes you unable to reload if destroyed.

Since you’re already dead.