Discussion on ZTZ99A model errors in game

If that would have made such a big difference you would have posted screenshots as a counter.

And how many of those rank 8 MBTs of different nations have you played? I can’t look in game, but online it looks like you are pretty much a chinese main at top tier ground, which makes you quite biased in this discussion.


The LeClerc S21’s flat plate is ~565mm thick (not 500mm as I wrote) which is enough to neutralize (shells going through armor which is only slightly lower than their pen will have almost all of the spall gone) the APFSDS shells of Chinese, French, Russian and British shells.

ZTZ-99A non-pen (most times):

ZTZ-99A pen but spalling decreased so much that only the driver dies while the Commander right behind him survives:

The mantlet is also full of volumetric spots right around the edges:

The area at the optic which is green in the protection map is a ricochet/black hole as well:

And the gunner cheek is 640mm (can’t be penned by anything in-game reliably) while the commander cheek is 600mm (can’t be penned by most shells).

Shooting COM on the somewhat weaker UFP is also usually not a one-shot.

All this in a package with a 5 second reload, fairly spaced crew, superior gun depression of -8 and very good hull/turret/gun laying traverse rates across the board (superior to the ZTZ-99A) make the LeClerc a far superior vehicle to the ZTZ-99A in my opinion.

Especially considering the LFP shot on the ZTZ-99A (which it HAS to show because it doesn’t have the gun depression to work ridges) is a one-shot, while on the LeClerc - it won’t result in a kill most of the time.

The LeClerc S21 is a very good vehicle and I’m not gonna pretend it isn’t.

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bro, you are going to be a troll after some one with A surname, the arguments with franceTT players cant change anything but only the quality level of chinaTT players in other players’ mind, the people we should argue is gaijin, so just stop plz my friend

If I am right, which I know I am - I will never relent.

But the gunner cheek can be penned by L27A1 the worst round.

Sorry, only the SXXI has increased gunner cheek armour. S1/S2/AZUR gunner cheek armour can be penned by L27A1.

What does that matter? 50% of the leclerc mantlet is 86mm.

80% of the Leclerc is easy lolpen outside of the small band of armour on the LFP and commander cheek.



That LFP shot is likely to not OHKO or even kill a single crew. The ZTZ-99A is destroyed immediately.

The UFP is angled enough to ricochet when utilizing gun depression, and one must shoot only one side to actually expect to kill. Merely showing your right side on angles while not bringing excessive ammo can make the tank impervious to being OHKO. So the survivability is certainly not inferior to the ZTZ-99A, and is realistically better.

BUT you get a TWO SECOND FASTER reload (which isn’t even loader dependent like on the Abrams, and is the 2nd fastest in the game - meaning you win a shot engagement with anything that isn’t the Type 10, especially if you position yourself properly). And considerably superior gun depression.

I don’t care if there are dozens of you, especially considering how vocal french mains are. You can keep coming.


What is this

While true a LFP might not crew kill, the Leclercs suffer heavily from Internal Fuel tank explosions just as much as T-Series do. Arguably even more so since the LFP is so much easier to shoot then T-Series, and with the Fuel tank being so much bigger, you can’t miss it.

So shooting the LFP is still viable way to kill the Leclercs but at that point your rolling a dice to see if you Fuel Explosion or not.

Literally one of the biggest problems with the Leclercs. As its contested if there is a bulkhead between the fuel tank and crew compartment.

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Thats from TRADOC WEG 2011 a US military report. Theres also a 2016 version. Gaijin doesn’t accept this as a primary source.

I wish the 99A gets fixed soon!

“US military report”

They literally use the words “likely” in this… Obviously it isn’t a primary source, I would hardly consider it a secondary source…

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In. the same way Russian sources can’t be accepted for OTAN vehicles, I’d wager US and in general OTAN sources should not be accepted for Russian and Chinese vehicles, as they are just estimations

Actually, I meant to say not even a source. Let alone a Primary source.

Let’s see if gaijin can complete the repair before or after the game dies.

This issue is real and serious in the game, and it is an extremely important issue that needs to be fixed urgently
Эта проблема реальна и серьезна в игре, и это крайне важный вопрос, который нужно срочно исправлять


This issue is real and serious in the game, and it is an extremely important issue that needs to be fixed urgently

Эта проблема реальна и серьезна в игре, и это крайне важная проблема, которую нужно срочно решать

It can be seen that the chassis of the 99A is not as large as in the game


Among them, there is also a part of the suspension structure