From my experience, it seems that he is denying almost all bug reports and almost does not allow any reports to pass, although Western reports may be more severe.
As you can see, I mainly submit bug reports related to Japanese ships and Russian tanks. I have been doing this since around 2020, but there has been little progress. Now, administrators will reject your reports and close them within a day when you do not provide sources or can easily reject your sources. When you provide sources that are difficult for them to reject, they will choose not to see them and sometimes ignore your reports for more than a year. This is also why I have made such posts on the forum.
Of course, there may be issues that pass, but passing does not necessarily mean they will be fixed, which is even more evident in issues related to the navy:

As you can see, the administrator managing bug reports is clearly incompetent, and I have no choice but to raise some issues that I believe should be fixed here, hoping that the administrators here can pass them on to the developers.
BTW,I still believe that the fix to this issue may not necessarily lead to a disaster like the “structural refinement” of the M1 and Leopard 2 series. Ultimately, it is just a slight upward movement of ammunition positions. After the modification, the ammunition positions of the T-90 series will be the same as those of the T72 series, and it should not have much impact on balance? It’s just my opinion.
Oh, but it is totally different for Chinese tanks. It is obvious that the ammunition of Chinese tanks is completely out of the range of armor in the game (very strange), which leads to that Chinese tanks have good main armor but not very good survivability. If it can be determined that there is a issue about the magazine position of Chinese tanks, then their survivability should be significantly improved by fix it.
Yeah, its unfortunate. They weren’t super popular with players but Gaijin most likely moved them under the default naming system they have in an attempt to protect them rather than own up to the backlash.
The systems to provide feedback and submit bug reports feel pointless most of the time. But I am sure some Mod or CM will say “we take all feedback into consideration” despite there being such a laundry list of things they do in spite of said feedback and reports. And while managing at scale is a factor, it doesn’t kead to confidence in player frustrations heard. At least not when it cones to improving. Like players keep saying even after the economy rework and foldering, ground progression is still a slog. And yet, here we are. Still no improvement or acknowledgement.
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@TrickZZter Can you now identify this as a bug?
@Stona_WT will this issue be accepted?
Shh… We must not mention his name. All we need it to mention the T and everyone knows who u are talking about.
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