i assume that you with 3000 battles dont have top tier (srry if u actually have)
F14 is kinda bad against modern ARH missiles, so what happens is that F14 (being american ofc) got the benefit of the doubt and was undertiered while many other vehicles are being overtiered because “they would be too OP in downtiers”
i mean tbh Phoenix missiles arent that crazy and the F14 has to kinda know how to launch because they arent reliable necessarily
Even one of the better 13.0 planes (F-4F ICE) still struggles in an uptier, and goes against planes with more missiles, and a hilarious level of flight performance.
Apparently, Gaijin thinks that a Phantom airframe and a Typhoon airframe are only worthy of being 0.7-1.0 apart (depending on if we count the better loadout as an extra 0.3, which we should).
Gripen C for UK needs some help the recent buffs to the Su-27/J-11 and the addition of Typhoon and Rafale. Combined with the worst Radar missile in the game at top tier the R-Darter. They can no longer play the only way they can because the Typhoon, Su-27 and Rafale with MICA EMs all do it better.
This jet no longer has a niche it cant bvr and it cannot rat anymore
It is. Unless you hit them at a perfect 90 degree angle from close range for several seconds.
The Luchs cannot accelerate at all when at a slight hill and is so slow that it can barely keep up with medium tanks. No chance of keeping up with other light tanks.
Oh and the fucking hvap shells shatter against the side armor of m18s when shooting them at medium distances 🙂🔫
You cannot reliably harm ANYTHING other than slow/low aircraft
That requires you to somehow kill anything with the shitty ammo? Repeatedly?
With the trash performance of the luchs that will take hundreds of matches.
But the way you write your comment here leads me to assume that Bill Gates seems to be your daddy and you immediately buy every modification with golden eagles.
“multiple vehicles share this issue, so it’s okay” Cool mindset, I am sure that mindset is very healthy and productive.
But thanks to admitting that these vehicles massively underperform in game. If only there was some sort of higher power running video games with the tools to change this… oh well…
Funny how nations like russia get way better wheeled vehicles with superior firepower at the same br, but I’m sure that is somehow totally balanced
Even then the Maus is going to be near-impossible to balance. Exceptional armor - enough that even APFSDS has a hard time killing it from the front, but slow as a brick. Powerful armament, but it lacks the HEAT-FS/APDS/Uber-high pen APHE that others have.
Its also heavily spaced out, meaning that it is both hard to pen and hard to kill, making it a balancing nightmare. All of the other super-heavy tanks are at least semi-mobile and have better guns (Obj. 279, IS-7), but the Maus is not.